Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions
At some point in puberty, the child is typically fully driven out of the society of his peers, ostracized or institutionalized. At this time, the Garou family show themselves, either kidnapping or "adopting" the child and guiding her through the shock of her First Change. The cub is then taught the basics of her tribe's lore, then put through the Rite of Passage, a harsh and deadly test that some cubs do not survive. Those that do survive learn what it means to be one of the fiercest beasts on the planet and gain an understanding of the meaning of the Pack as they are accepted into their tribe and sept.
Lately, the Garou have discovered more and more adult humans (or, very rarely, wolves) who have the potential to become werewolves, but who were somehow lost by their tribes and have never been taken through a Rite of Passage, though may have gone through their First Change no supervision. These individuals have so repressed the wolf aspect of themselves that they have no idea it is there. They are known as "lost cubs" and many go insane or die of depression. So few Garou are left that it is considered a time of great joy when such a lost individual is discovered, though sometimes it is too late. Sammael Schulz was one such person - thought to be "just a Kinfolk" of the Shadow Lords in the Sept of the Salamander's Soul, he was corrupted and walked the Black Spiral. An insanely-giggling antagonist of Gaia, he and his pack have been implicated in the deaths of several Garou.
Homid - Ape, Monkey, Breeder
Werewolves born to humans are the most common of all Garou. They relate better with people, cities, technology, and abstract ideas. They see the destruction of nature wrought by humans, yet can't reconcile themselves to ending that by destroying humans or their way of life. The guilt caused by this makes it easy to forget that they must have a balance between their wolf and man natures. Many Homid Garou see their lupine relatives as backwards country folk. Some even believe that they are the next step of evolution and the Lupus Garou are outdated.A Garou in homid form appears very much like a normal man or woman of the Garou's heritage. Though possibly a bit more feral, a homid is always in some fashion more charismatic than most humans.
Lupus are the Garou that are born of wolf stock. Though once as numerous as Homids, as wolf numbers have decreased so has the population of Lupus Garou. Those of this breed are closer to Gaia, but they have a harder time dealing with the modern world - they are creatures of instinct, living in the now, acting openly, honestly and directly. Many Lupine Garou look down upon those that are human born because humans have caused the loss of their hunting grounds and Kinfolk.The lupus form is that of a large wolf of the region the Garou's tribe originated in, e.g. dire wolf or wolfhound for Fianna and timber wolves for Wendigo. The lupus form is always recognizable as a wolf, except for a few mangy Bone Gnawers whose lupus form looks like a dog and some Uktena who get mistaken for coyotes. In the first case, other Garou are insulted by the lack of noble form of the Bone Gnawer, in the second case it is the Uktena who is often insulted.
For more information on each breed refer to the particular Breed Bluesheet for your character.Metis
One of the strongest tenets of the Litany prohibits mating between Garou, for the result of such is always a sterile, deformed child whose birth form is Crinos, the wolf-man form of battle. In times past, such young were put to death. In modern times, Gaia needs as many warriors as she can find and the offspring of such a union are allowed to live if they are viable. Besides the revilement of their deformities, Metis are a constant reminder to other Garou of the shameful act of their parents, causing them to be generally scorned and abused by their peers. Most Metis are hostile and cruel as a result, causing them to live up to the reputation as vile creatures.While in crinos form, a Garou appears to be ferocious 9' tall wolf-man, with the head, tail and fur of a large wolf. The fangs and talons are pronounced and fierce and the arms become long and apelike, suitable for running on all fours. While in this form, communicating in anything more than simple guttural words is difficult, requiring extra concentration. However, a Garou's strength in crinos form is at its peak. The crinos form is universally accepted among Garou as the form of war.
Ragabash - No Moon, New Moon, Trickster
In the darkness waits the light. The trickster is the bringer of wisdom to those who bring themselves wise, the one who reveals that the emperor has no clothes. Though often the lightest in spirit of all Garou, their humor does not always have a light side and is often misunderstood by those who are being "taught." Their enigmatic natures cause other Garou to be wary and lack respect, though this also gives the No Moon a freer hand to work his pranks.
Theurge - Crescent Moon, Summoner of Spirits, Seer of Visions
The crescent moon shines like a blade, and so are the Garou borne under that light those who penetrate into mystery. Their understanding of spirits, rituals and the Umbra is unequaled amongst Garou, though their insights are often eerie and unsettling and they have little time for common foolishness.
Philodox - Half Moon, Mediator, Judge, Lawgiver, Balance-Bringer, Keeper of the Sacred Ways
The half moon balances light and darkness, the Garou of the Half Moon mediate, and all Garou benefit. Philodox are the judges, lore keepers, and moderators, leading other Garou by example but often keeping their own counsel close to their heart and mind. Philodox make the best leaders in times of relative peace and are known as the most honorable of Garou, though their decisions are swift and sometimes harsh.
Galliard - Gibbous Moon, Bard, Singer, Storyteller, Dancer-for-the-Moon
The almost-full moon brings out the songs and stories, bidding the Moon Dancers to sing and play of past deeds and prepare for what is to come. Galliards are those who find stories to tell, whether it be through asking after a battle or by participating in it themselves. Often the Bards are the souls of their packs, for their great passion makes them play hard and fight hard.
For more information please refer to the particular Auspice Bluesheet for your character.Ahroun - Full Moon, Warrior
Like the brightest moon, Ahrouns are the shining example of what the Garou can be...glorious warriors defending Gaia. Ahrouns are the toughest fighters, cunning hunters, fierce combatants, but lack in many of the social skills that would one want to be around them very long. Though their flame is bright, it often burns quickly as they are unable to control their Rage and die an early, if typically glorious death. Those Ahrouns who are able to master their inner beast become some of the most dangerous creatures alive, fearsome in their destruction. They are all that is mighty, proud and foolish in the Garou.
Black Furies
The avengers of the Wyld, the Black Furies are almost entirely female. This tribe originated in Ancient Greece, and is extremely militant. Male Garou born to the Black Furies are usually given to the Children of Gaia.
Bone Gnawer
The lowliest of tribes, the Bone Gnawers are mostly found in city alleys, dumps, and park benches. Though scorned and insulted by other Garou, as well as being mangy, scrawny, and cynical, they survive.
Children of Gaia
Seekers of unity, the Children of Gaia can be seen as tree-hugging leaf-eating peacenicks or those most in harmony with Gaia. Don't underestimate the Children, though - they can be as strong and merciless as necessary. It was the Children of Gaia who fought to end the Impergium and protect humanity, a slight that has never been forgiven by the Red Talons.
Garou of Celtic origin, they are the preservers of werewolf history and lore, prefering to occupy their days with wordplay, song, drink, revelry, and the occasional good rousing fight. Quick to anger and slower to forgive, the Fianna show much of what is bright and dark in Garou annals.
Get of Fenris
It is said among the Garou that the Get of Fenris would gladly allow themselves to be devoured by a Wyrm demon just so they could rip out its tongue before they died. These Norse Garou throw themselves heedless and howling into battle unlike any other Garou.
Glass Walkers
Most Garou view the Glass Walkers as rebellious, at best a little odd. They see themselves as adapting to change, of being able to accept as other Garou can't that the world is different than it used to be. These Garou are comfortable in urban environments, using technology and people to their advantage in savory and less-than-savory ways.
Red Talons
The only completely Lupus tribe, the Red Talons sees the only way to preserve Gaia is to destroy the human despoilers. They keep to themselves in the wilderness, keeping close to their bestial natures and the secrets in the depths of nature.
Shadow Lords
Mighty in battle and cunning in peacetime, the Shadow Lords follow the path of ambition wherever it leads. Their courage, tenacity and arrogance are unquestioned, though their allegiance to the Wyld occasionally is - more than one member of this tribe has been lured by the Wyrm to the promise of power.
Silent Striders
The most mysterious of the Garou, the Silent Striders are individual wanderers with no permanent homes. A quiet laconic people, when they they choose to spin a tale their knowledge of what has gone before and what is to come can exceed that of the Fianna.
Silver Fangs
As far back as Garou legends can reach, the boldest, strongest, and wisest of the Garou have almost always been Silver Fangs. Today they are still the very proud leaders of the Garou, though slightly inbred as they work harder than any tribe to maintain their pure breed. Fierce and regal, the Silver Fangs tolerate very little in the way of dissention.
Mystic spiritualists and contemplators, this smallest tribe roams the dark and lonely places of the world protecting the weak from the Wyrm.
The remnants of one of the three great North American tribes, the Uktena at once the most secret and open of tribes. Sly, reticent and devious, no other tribe knows more about the ways of spirits than the Uktena, though what they use their knowledge for is unknown. The tribe has accepted many Lost Cubs and interbred with people of many heritages, moreso than any other tribe except perhaps the Bone Gnawers. Some Garou suspect that they are already on the path to corruption, though such accusations are only whispered because of the mighty power the Uktena do occasionally choose to wield.
For more information please refer to the particular Tribe Bluesheet for your character.Wendigo
Last of the three Native American tribes, and the only one still pure, the Wendigo have almost been entirely exterminated along with the Native Americans they claim as Kin. The rightfully resent all other Garou for joining with the Wyrmcomers (European colonists) and only claim the Uktena as friends. At best members of the other tribes are treated in a cold manner.
White Howlers
Descended from Picts, these guardians of the north attempted to slay the Wyrm by carrying the battle to the beast itself. In the Wyrm's cavernous pits they changed, becoming horrors themselves. They emerged as twisted mutants calling themselves Black Spiral Dancers, now mortal enemies of Garou. The White Howlers are rarely spoken of, lest their curse be called upon the other Garou's heads.
The third of the North American tribes, Garou bards sing epics of valor in their memory. The Croatan gave their lives to banish the Wyrm beast known as Eater-of-Souls, which had traveled to the New World with the Roanoke colonists.
The Bunyip were not lost to or slain by the Wyrm, but slain by Garou and Kinfolk from Europe as they took control of the lands Down Under. No songs are sung for them, for the Garou are too ashamed.