Glass Walkers

Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions

The Glass Walkers see the city as just another kind of wilderness: the concrete jungle of the future. They feel that the city has a spirit and life all its own, and they seek to explore the diversity that this new wilderness provides. Maybe no other Tribe can begin to understand this except the Bone Gnawers.

The Glass Walkers originated in Mesopotamia, where they split with the Garou and came to live in the cities despite the proscriptions against doing so. They became enforcers and mercenaries for merchants in the Middle Ages and allied with guilds and the like. They were at the forefront of technological change during the Renaissance and later in the Industrial Revolution, learning that everything has spirits, even great steam engines and assembly lines.

The Glass Walkers developed Mafia ties as a result of their enforcer past, and in the ’20s, Glass Walker gangs provided muscle to many Mob actions. With the advent of computers, the Glass Walkers learned about a new kind of spirit... the Net-Spiders, the computer spirits. Befriending these spirits, they found themselves in control of spirits that could alter and gather information from computers all over the world. The Glass Walkers believe it is their duty to guide the cities and technology of the world to a path allied with Gaia. Indeed, they see Gaia as a part of the city itself.

Glass Walkers view themselves as the next stage in Garou evolution. They believe that Gaia is leading them to be the rulers of a new world where the Weaver is an ally of the Wyld, not an enemy. They believe that they can help humanity and the Garou survive the coming Apocalypse by providing them with the technology and spiritual wisdom to survive. Because of this, they are often criticized as arrogant.

They are almost as subtle and crafty as their rival Shadow Lord cousins. Indeed, many conflicts between the Glass Walkers and the Shadow Lords are like great chess games using the other Garou as pieces. Their irreverence for tradition has earned them many enemies among more traditional Garou. Many of them prefer their homid names to their Garou names, and may use their traditional names only in communication with other tribes or in formal ritual. Indeed Lupus Glass Walkers are much more rare than Metis, another sore point for traditionalists.

Many Glass Walkers packs have a strong corporate hierarchy, and the Kinfolk are the bottom row on that org chart. They get a lot of the work done, and Glass Walkers respect that about as much as your average upper manager. They understand that the lower ranks need to have their morale maintained, because higher morale workers are workers that are more productive. Other packs have a distinct Mafioso feel, or can be as freeform as a group of hackers.

The Glass Walkers are often criticized for their traffic with Weaver spirits, as more rural Garou see it as a taint that weakens their bond to Gaia. But more disturbing is the constant presence of the Wyrm in the cities that the Glass Walkers control. Many Glass Walkers say there is too much for them to constantly combat the Wyrm, for they would be worn down and slain, and Gaia would lose her defenders. Instead, they choose their Wyrm-riddled targets for the maximum effect as compared to Garou loss.

The Sept of the Zephyr’s Mind was founded on the strength of the Glass Walkers, with assistance from their Bone Gnawer allies. Their tribal alliance grew yet closer until the Depression, when the Glass Walkers preoccupation with recovering from the market collapse led to a rift that has yet to heal. The Glass Walkers have retained control of the Sept Leadership from that time, though of late they have begun to be challenged by a growing Shadow Lord presence in Boston. As the dominant force in the Sept, they have been seen as rivals by some in the Sept of the Buried Heart, and by others as peer cousins.

Thoughts on the other tribes:

Bone Gnawers: They are the one other tribe that understands the City. We rule above, they below. Treat them well, and they will treat you well. They are profitable allies, and knowledgeable sources for any information that our people might miss.

Black Furies: Caught in ancient ways and ancient hatreds. They are blind to the progress of the modern world. Watch their tempers, and when you send a liaison to them, it is to your advantage to send a woman.

Children of Gaia: Good in heart, naïve in mind. Many times, in negotiations of our intertribal business, we need a neutral facilitator, and they can be excellent at that. Value their thoughts highly, but recognize the weaknesses of the source.

Fianna: Hopeless romantics: They can drink, they can sing, and by all accounts they’re great in bed. Too bad that they cannot realize the fundamental change that has happened in the world since the Romans taught the Celts how to use soap.

Get of Fenris: We (and some Bone Gnawers) opposed them when they joined the Nazis in World War Two. We have not been at peace with them since. Like those who followed Hitler, they are led astray by tales of obsolete cultures and past glories.

Red Talons: In some ways, they are the darker brothers to the Get. Calling for the death of humans cannot stop the trends that have been building since the first cities. Fortunately they will rarely enter our cities, so we do not need to waste resources to destroy them.

Shadow Lords: Whenever someone claims that we are ambitious or cold, point them towards the Shadow Lords and we will seem as innocent as a Child of Gaia in comparison. They wish to rule the new world, but where we negotiate crisply and logically with the Weaver, they forge pacts with darker powers.

Silent Striders: Useful couriers for anything you can’t (or wouldn’t) transmit over the wires. When you make a deal with them, consider the tightest contract possible. It is unclear who else they may serve in their constant travels, seemingly following no line of authority.

Silver Fang: They fear the influence that we wield, for on some level they recognize that we are the de facto rulers of the modern world. They live in the past, we live in the future. If you approach them with honor and honesty, you can strike a win-win deal in most cases.

Stargazers: They reject everything that the modern world has to offer, thinking that such denial brings wisdom and peace. While we often can’t understand them as a group, the individuals

Uktena: A tribe of R&D specialists. They share an interest in knowledge that we can respect, but they have glaring holes in their collective data when it comes to cities and the Weaver.

Wendigo: Sadly they appear a lost cause. In most cases, attempting to parley with them is sending good money after bad. Since they cannot distinguish the Weaver from the Wyrm they treat us as traitors and would hunt us as they would a Black Spiral Dancer. Another reason not to take that backpacking trip in Oregon.