Responses to the Fool
During the
Recitation of the Litany

Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions


This bluesheet contains some suggested responses to the Litany that can be used by characters during the recitation of the Litany in a Moot, when the Fool is challenging the meaning of each tenet of the Litany.  Characters should come up with additional responses of their own as well, this is just meant to help characters along - the individual responses used for one particular challenge to the Litany may be used for other challenges to that same tenet, or different tenets.

Garou shall not mate with Garou

When the Fool asks, what about birth control? When the Fool asks, why not?  The Garou can use the additional children that would result:

Combat the Wyrm wherever it dwells and whenever it breeds

When the Fool suggests conserving our strengths and holding what we have now: When the Fool says there are enough problems between Garou that need dealing with first: When the Fool suggests waiting for other Garou to take care of the problem for you: When the Fool says that Garou fight too hard and die too often:

Respect the territory of another

When the Fool asks why should others even be respected? When the Fool asks what happens when several claim the same territory? When the Fool suggests that the humans own everything already, so why should the Garou even bother with territory?

Accept an honorable surrender

When the Fool suggests it might be more convenient to ignore the surrender: When the Fool suggests letting your opponent live to fight another day is just giving them another opportunity to rip your throat out:

Submission to those of higher station

When the Fool suggests that one's elders are clueless fools and each Garou should make her own decisions: When the Fool suggests that this rule was made by humans, for humans, and shouldn't apply to Garou: When the Fool sniffs at bowing down to any others, particularly to the sept leader:

The first share of the kill to the greatest in station

When the Fool suggests that the effort one spent to win an item automatically confers the right to it, i.e. finders-keepers:

Ye shall show respect for those beneath ye - all are of Gaia

When the Fool asks why should he respect those below when they don't give him any respect? When the Fool asks why should he respect those below him when they don't know wha they are doing, and give no cause for respect? When the Fool asks why should he respect those who don't earn their place, who don't do their fair share?

The leader may be challenged at any time in peace; The leader shall not be challenged at any time of war

When the Fool asks what will happen when the leader is challenged every/all the time in peace: When the Fool asks why can't the leader be challenged during the war when the leader is a fool: When the Fool asks why are the leaders allowed to hold their positions just by saying its a time of war: When the fool asks what's wrong with the picture that if a leader does a good job during peace you can change the leader, but if that leader does a bad job during war you can't?

The Veil shall not be lifted

When the Fool suggests that when fighting the Wyrm it is acceptable to rend the Veil: When the Fool suggests that humans would help in the fight against the Wyrm:

Do not suffer thy people to tend thy sickness

When the Fool suggests that it is ridiculous to ask those with the wisdom of age to remove themselves: When the Fool asks whether injury and old age aren't the same thing, why heal the injured and not the aged?

Ye shall not eat the flesh of humans

When the Fool notes that humans have been cannibals and survived, so why not Garou?  Or the Fool notes how good humans can taste: When the Fool asks whether it's okay to eat wolves or Garou, since they aren't mentioned:

Ye shall take no action that causes a Caern to be violated

When the Fool says that a Caern is just another part of nature, no big deal if it gets  taken over: