Responses to the Fool
During the
Recitation of the Litany
a live-action role-playing
game, by Embers Productions
This bluesheet contains some suggested responses to the Litany that can
be used by characters during the recitation of the Litany in a Moot, when
the Fool is challenging the meaning of each tenet of the Litany.
Characters should come up with additional responses of their own as well,
this is just meant to help characters along - the individual responses
used for one particular challenge to the Litany may be used for other challenges
to that same tenet, or different tenets.
Garou shall not mate with Garou
When the Fool asks, what about birth control?
And when the beast in the both of you rises up and decides now is
the time? Of course it'll wait a moment whilst you "adorn" yourself.
Packmate-Fool, would you defy Gaia with the Weaver's toys?
The spirit of the law is clear. Only an ape would bandy the letter.
When the Fool asks, why not? The Garou can use the additional children
that would result:
If Gaia intended to bless such unions, then the offspring would not be
crippled in some fashion.
Yeah, well, it's kinda like two country hicks breedin' together. Just as
fucked up and ten times uglier.
The First of Laws! The first of responsibilities.
Gaia's children are too few to afford themselves human luxuries.
Who wants to grind with a nine-foot tall monster anyway, eh?
Retain the purity of the blood and bone lest the soul next be corrupted.
Combat the Wyrm wherever it dwells and whenever it breeds
When the Fool suggests conserving our strengths and holding what we have
Let the enemy gather strength, and no place might be strong enough to be
Every wound to Gaia is a wound to her children.
First they came for the communists and I did not speak up because I was
not a communist, and then they came for the Jews...
Allow the Wyrm to get a stronghold, in the cities or in a single heart,
and he will run over all you have and all you hold dear. Take the fight
to him, and defeat him in his lair!
Stay aloof and apart; do not soil your paws, but wait for the end days
- there's folly. If you stand alone now, you will die alone, then.
When the Fool says there are enough problems between Garou that need dealing
with first:
Quibble with your brother while your Mother lies dying. There is wisdom
Let us kill those who should be our allies. Ah yes, how - perfectly wise.
No wonder we lose this battle.
When the Fool suggests waiting for other Garou to take care of the problem
for you:
Kill it before it moves in and takes away those you love!
When the Fool says that Garou fight too hard and die too often:
The life of a Coward is no life at all.
When you abandon what you are, you are already dead.
It is not our lives that we need to save, but the life of the Mother. What
good is keeping your life, if you lose a world to do so?
We lay off, and they grow more too, and we're that much closer to the end.
If we do nothing, then we die anyhow. Better to die standing in battle,
than to die on your knees.
It's duty. We live and die to fight the Wyrm. You don't fight, might as
well paint a bulls-eye on yer chest.
Leave those who would slay us alive today and, tomorrow, they will prey
on our children. Perhaps we would not be dying if we took care of what
we should?
Respect the territory of another
When the Fool asks why should others even be respected?
Ever heard o' courtesy? If we ain't courteous t'each other then how are
we bettern' the Wyrm?
Tresspass. See if that pack ever aids you again, in your later need. Even
travellers should know the rule of hospitality.
If you have respect for the territory of others, then you have no respect
for your own.
Respect another's terrritory and, one day, they may well aid you when asked.
Show them disrespect and you will get only that in return.
When the Fool asks what happens when several claim the same territory?
Learn Garou culture, Fool, and the difference between protecterate and
They either arm-wrestle for it, or else they play nice together.
It is the Wyrm's puppet indeed who seeks more land than he can hunt. If
one spends his strength just crossing his territory, how much is left when
he must fight to defend it?
When the Fool suggests that the humans own everything already, so why should
the Garou even bother with territory?
How do we know what our job is if we don't have defined territories?
Accept an honorable surrender
When the Fool suggests it might be more convenient to ignore the surrender:
And when you offer your own throat, to your better, would you not want
her to accept? It would be stupid to not to the same for others.
Oh, yeah, kick them when they're down, very honorable.
When the Fool suggests letting your opponent live to fight another day
is just giving them another opportunity to rip your throat out:
Thus proving that you, too, are without honor, and that no one should accept
your surrender.
Treat others with honor and you will be treated the same.
And what of Honor, Fool?
Have you never seen cubs tussle, Fool? Were we to think as you, we'd have
wiped ourselves out long ago. An enemy given respect can, one day, be called
Kill one who has surrendered to you and you give your heart over to the
Wyrm; we need all the warriors we can.
Needlessly killing each other to defend our backs is foolhardy and cowardly.
Ever heard of "The end don't justify the means?" Garou without honor
don't deserve to live.
If honor means nothing to you, then you serve no purpose.
The fool cares for the honor of another. The warrior cares for his own
honor. Do a thing for yourself, or not at all.
Show no mercy to the fallen, show yourself a fool. Today's enemy can become
tomorrow's ally: the sons of the fallen return to war again.
Submission to those of higher station
When the Fool suggests that one's elders are clueless fools and each Garou
should make her own decisions:
We are Garou. We work as a Pack. Pack has an Alpha. You don't listen to
the Alpha, Chaos rules. Chaos allows the Wyrm to slip in easier.
The last days come. Senseless death is a waste of our strength. The true
alpha's right has been earned.
Submission and dominance is the Way. One leads or follows.
A good leader is one that one wishes to serve. It makes one better than
working alone.
When the Fool suggests that this rule was made by humans, for humans, and
shouldn't apply to Garou:
If they were not deserving of our respect, they would not be our
Without heirarchy, we are nothing, Without laws, we are nothing, Without
submission and it's partner, respect, we would have destroyed each other
long ago.
Yeah, well, usually the elders've been around the block a couple times
an' made it through, an' they might know a thing or two worth listenin'
to. An' they sure as hell are gonna know what to'do with the goods to benefit
everybody an' not just themselves. If they don't, then they suck as a leader
and desrve to get their asses kicked out.
They have earned the respect.
There is power in tradition. The elders are deserving of the honors they
have earned.
Nevermind what it takes for our leaders to become our leaders. That they
have shown themselves worthy and deserving.
If you doubt the leader, challenge. If you fail, maybe you should rethink
your own arrogance.
When the Fool sniffs at bowing down to any others, particularly to the
sept leader:
He earned his way to Alpha. Challenge him or submit.
Now there's a low blow, picking on someone who's actually earned his position.
Haven't you heard the saying 'You can pick your friends, but you can't
pick your relatives'?
The first share of the kill to the greatest in station
When the Fool suggests that the effort one spent to win an item automatically
confers the right to it, i.e. finders-keepers:
Only those who fear that their own abilities will not one day make them
the leader need to worry about such. Are posessions so important to you?
The Wyrm will use them as a tool to reach you.
Bet the Wyrm likes that, for us to bicker over scraps like pups under the
table. Those that can best use a thing should have the use of it.
Who does not give out of love, should not give. But who cannot inspire
such love should not lead.
He who hordes the weapons of his enemies will find his own sword stolen
and used against him.
What good does a basket of klaives do?
It is a better part of wisdom to give objects to those wiser in their use,
until you can learn such knowledge as they have.
When someone has given all her effort for years to make it possible for
you to even hunt, then, yes. Recognise her for what she has done for you.
The soul of honor is putting others before yourself. Care for your pack,
and they will care for you. Care for yourself, and you stand alone.
There is a ranking. The greatest gets first, but not all. Then the rest,
and all give in turn to the cubs. The greatest gets his due, and all get.
So has Gaia shown, so we do.
Generosity is a virtue. Show generosity towards your elders, for they will
hopefully show you the same generosity through their help and their leadership.
Look around you, Fool. No one can do this alone, we need one another. Those
who came before are why you stand here now. respect your betters, learn
from them, value all they are.
You think a token of respect too much? Your greed will see you all alone
when you need a hand.
They won't beat the hell of you if you give 'em the big pieces first.
To take more than is your right is greed, and a way of the Apes.
Such hieratic exchange has been the enduring pillar of strength for many
peoples. It is fitting to we Garou more than any other.
You Fool, you keep the strongest strong to fend off the foe. Turn away
from Greed or you embrace the ways of the Weaver.
Greed is of the Wyrm
Ye shall show respect for those beneath ye - all are of Gaia
When the Fool asks why should he respect those below when they don't give
him any respect?
After all, they are only the future of our kind.
Everyone starts at the bottom. Anything but respect generates problems.
In either direction.
Leadship is not a reward, but a service. Those below you are to be guided,
not derided, taught, not ignored.
Gaia opens arms to all. So should we - no matter who they are.
All are of Gaia. Fail to respect the ones beneath you, and you fail to
respect the Mother.
The greatest of avalanches begin with one pebble tumbling in the wind.
We are all of the People. All.
Those below may someday be above.
When the Fool asks why should he respect those below him when they don't
know wha they are doing, and give no cause for respect?
How do we define respect? All are of Gaia! All are worthy of respect
until they show they don't deserve it.
Respect is a hard thing to suffer. Do not confuse it with gentleness or
When the Fool asks why should he respect those who don't earn their place,
who don't do their fair share?
Everybody's got their part to play no matter what they are.
Even wolves tolerate omegas.
Practicality must be given its due. Not all ascend at the same rate. Those
beneath you now may be above you one day...Those you insult and disrespect
now will never respect you in return.
Would you disrespect your sisters and brothers? If we practiced what
you preach, you wouldn't be here preaching. Funny, ain't it?
The ruler who sends his subjects to die thoughtlessly soons finds his kingdom
filled with bones, Fool. Treat them with kindness and they will reward
you with loyalty.
Here are some whose tails might have been cut off long ago. Luckily for
you, some of us believe in the future.
Respect is earned, yes, but if no respect is given to the weak and
low of station, then when the low become high, they have no respect for
the low, and a vicious cycle begins that will break down our hierarchy.
The leader may be challenged at any time in peace; The leader shall
not be challenged at any time of war
When the Fool asks what will happen when the leader is challenged every/all
the time in peace:
Those fit to lead in peacetime will not fail peaceful challenges. Those
fit to lead in war will easily emerge victorious when there is a need for
When the Fool asks why can't the leader be challenged during the war when
the leader is a fool:
Leaders should be replaced before the battle is called, if they need replacing.
Changing leaders midfight risks all far more.
In a storm, only one man may steer the ship. Let the entire crew so try,
the ship will capsize, and all are lost.
It is certain the Wyrm delights in scattering our strength, by seeding
us such doubts when unity is needed most.
This ain't no party/This ain't no disco/This ain't no foolin' around/No
time for dancin'/Or lovey-dovey/I ain't got time for that now...
The Wyrm will not wait patiently for us to resolve who follows and who
leads. The time to challenge the fools is when we have peace. Better to
act united than not act at all.
A war requires one leader. Which leader makes less difference than having
one. Bad leadership *may* lose a war -- but no leadership will without
When the Fool asks why are the leaders allowed to hold their positions
just by saying its a time of war:
If a leader is not fit to lead, then do not follow him into battle. Once
the battle is joined, there is no room for dissention. In combat, that
leads to death.
Fighting for leadership on the battlefield is the quickest way to get an
ass-munching I know.
You ever seen what happens when ya start arguin' with the leader in a the
middle of a fight. Y'all get stomped.
You gotta do things quick an' without question or everyone's gonna ge ttheir
asses kicked. If yeer gonna argue, do it before the battle starts.
If a leader is a bad leader, he will make a mistake someday and die.
Nature balances out.
Somebody's got ta be in command on tha battlefield, or ya get nothin' but
When the fool asks what's wrong with the picture that if a leader does
a good job during peace you can change the leader, but if that leader does
a bad job during war you can't?
There are proper times for actions. Some things are not meant to be disrupted.
The war plans might hold more than you know...
If you squabble during war, the Wyrm comes on you before any plans are
When challenges are made at the wrong time, it brings chaos. Chaos brings
The Veil shall not be lifted
When the Fool suggests that when fighting the Wyrm it is acceptable to
rend the Veil:
Wisdom will show you where and how the Veil is kept, Fool. But you are
Fool, and Wisdom is not your way.
Yeah, just what we fucking need. People and Banes hunting us down.
The Veil's there for a reason. To keep us from being hunted by humans.
If we go around breaking it at every given opporunity, under the justification
that "We're huntin' banes", well, we're going to have more to worry about.
When the Fool suggests that humans would help in the fight against the
Humans kill what they fear. Though each one is weak, their numbers make
them strong.
They would kill us all if they knew about us. Keep them ignorant, and kill
them if they are not.
We'd get our asses kicked. Humans are stupid and they fear what they don't
understand. How can we do our job if we get stomped first?
If they know our war, they could also willingly side with our enemies for
power or fortune.
If they find out about us, we die. One way or another.
Would you risk us all on a gambit, Fool? Perhaps they help us, perhaps
they destroy us. I, for one, think our secrets are better kept.
Remember that were you walk, you leave a trail. Any who betray us
to humans are foolish.
To betray ourselves to those with power is not only foolish but deadly.
Do not suffer thy people to tend thy sickness
When the Fool suggests that it is ridiculous to ask those with the wisdom
of age to remove themselves:
Garou don't have MediCare. And time spent tending the weak only slows us
down and makes us vulnerable.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
The humans have learned to preserve lives after the body is spent, and
give their elders a living death. I call that the Wyrm. Better to die with
Why make th'warriors stay behind t'care for ye if ye cannae on your own?
Let them continue th'fight when your time is done.
It is better to go quickly, then linger past your time.
Let each decide when they must leave this Realm on their own; I have seen
what happens when those whose time has passed are forced to live on in
the name of 'mercy' and 'compassion', and it is neither of those things.
The Rite of the Winter Wolf was created for a reason. This is it. If a
wolf can no longer run with the pack at speed, it weakens it.
We would not allow sick, old deer in a herd, why should we allow them in
our number? Remove them and the whole grows stronger, as in the herd.
We are at war, we cannot allow weakness in our ranks. Better for the old
and infirm to die than to slow us down. We can serve Gaia better that way.
Death is a release from duty. When your time comes, welcome your return
to the arms of your Mother and fight no longer. You have served your people
well. Let the new blood carry on the fight. Rest.
When the Fool asks whether injury and old age aren't the same thing, why
heal the injured and not the aged?
If they will not live, fighting yourselves to the brink of death serves
only to make your enemy stronger. Let them die with honor.
When one is unfit, give them release. If their spirit is strong, it will
return in better shape, and not drain our resources here and now.
Age brings wisdom, not weakness, knowledge, not bravado. When your time
comes, you will know, until then, fight until your heart bursts.
And there's a big difference between unfit and a little sick.
That law is not about healing others, but knowing when it is your time
to return to Gaia.
It is the way to feed and make well those who will hunt again with the
pack. It is the way to release those who will not.
Ye shall not eat the flesh of humans
When the Fool notes that humans have been cannibals and survived, so why
not Garou? Or the Fool notes how good humans can taste:
Make the choice, it could be you that is trapped like that someday!
And become closer to the Wyrm. Great idea.
That is the way to the Wyrm. Human flesh, not my cup of tea, thank you.
Eah, well, would you wanna eat sewer waste? Human flesh ain't much better,
with all that fast food shit they put in their bodies.
Better to die with soul and body pure than live on tainted meat, Fool.
Would you rather be reborn of the Wyrm than return to aid your ancestors?
We don't eat wolves, either. Humans are not our sheep to harvest.
It is not food, that is certain...
That's a quick path ta tha Wyrm, mate.
The day you find yourself starving to death with nothing but humans to
eat, then consider the act and accept your punishment. Until you find yourself
lost in the mountains with no other food source, quit these silly hypotheticals.
You argue like a human lawmaker.
I'm sure the world is one big McDonalds to you. Go out an' grab yerself
a McHuman. I don't think so, unless you want to kiss dirt, and let the
worms eat you.
The Wyrm devours enough of the humans. Let's not aide it in its corrupt
When the Fool asks whether it's okay to eat wolves or Garou, since they
aren't mentioned:
Abhorent in thought or deed. Never take a predator for food, lest the prey
grow too large to be controlled.
The Litany brings us balance and guides us. Control your appetite, or it
controls you.
Even a Fool should know the difference between the spirit of the law, and
the word. It is a poor argument that sacrifices spirit to word.
Homids wrote the whole thing. Wolves do not need rules on the outside.
We have rules on the inside.
Ye shall take no action that causes a Caern to be violated
When the Fool says that a Caern is just another part of nature, no big
deal if it gets taken over:
The caern is the home and the heart. Protecting it is your duty, and vengeance
on any who dare touch it, the fire that burns in your blood.
All land is sacred to Gaia. We cannot pick and choose our fights all of
the time. We're Her defenders and Her guardians, and our Caerns are bastions
of strength in the battle against a formidable enemy. If they fall, surely
must we.
The Wyld places are where we began. When they end, so do we.
There is nothing worse than seeing another piece of Gaia die while your
claws can do nothing to protect it.
You never know when the Caern will be in danger, nor if it will come from
within or without. What you see, you should stop. Only a Fool does otherwise.
Neither shall ye allow a Caern be violated through thy inaction.