Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions
[The Caller of the Wyld stands at Caern Center, if the Caller of the Wyld has agreed to have assistants, they now quietly stand in their respective compass points and face in that direction away from the Caller of the Wyld.]
Caller speaks. "We have gathered in this sacred place of Gaia, having called our brothers and sisters of Gaia, and we now call our brothers and sisters of Luna."
[Caller turns to face East]
East Wind speaks. "Eastern wind! Bringer of the dawn of clear air! East wind! You who showed us the mirror side, the other side of the Velvet Curtain, come to us! We thank you for your clear thought and bright light!"
[East Wind returns to the ring of assembled Garou, Caller of the Wyld turns to face South]
South Wind speaks: "Southern wind! Bringer of the eternal fire! South wind! You who gave us the fire of rage within, that we may strike swiftly against our enemies, come to us! We thank you for your fiery anger and your guardian protection!"
[South Wind returns to the ring of assembled Garou, Caller of the Wyld turns to face West]
West Wind speaks: "Western wind! Bringer of the rain! West wind! You who gave us the Changing Ways, come to us! We thank you for the many shapes you've shared with us!"
[West Wind returns to the ring of assembled Garou, Caller of the Wyld turns to face North]
North Wind speaks: "Northern wind! Bringer of cold from the mountain! North wind! You who brought to us the Gifts and the Sacred Ways, come to us! We thank you for your great wisdom and strength!"
[North Wind returns to the ring of assembled Garou]
Caller speaks: "Wind of the Soul! Bringer of Gaia's blessings from within us! Soul Wind! You who hold our Mother's power within us, come to us all! We thank you for your spirit and your inner peace!"
[Now the Caller of the Wyld steps close to the Caern Center and holds aloft some item sacred to the Caern Totem Spirit]
Caller speaks: "We thank thee, our spirit brothers and sisters! May Gaia's blessings be upon us all!"
The caller then nods to the Master of the Howl and returns to her place.
The Caller (only) steps forth and speaks: "We thank thee, our spirit brothers and sisters! Oh [Calls name of the Caern Spirit with an added honorific like "Lord" Stag, "Great" Falcon, "Mighty" Fenris etc.]! Come to we who have, like you, sworn with our lives to defend this sacred place of Gaia! Come and give us your acceptance, your blessing, and your favor!"
The caern spirit will either show some sign of it's favor or not. If nothing happens, the caern spirit is displeased and the Caller should state that the Master of the Rite will look into this, but all Garou must look into their hearts to see if they are doing the will of Gaia.
Caller speaks: "Thank you, [name of caern spirit with honorific]. In the coming month, may Gaia's blessings be upon us all!"
The caller then nods to the Master of the Howl and returns to her place.