Notes for Master of the Howl

Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions

Master of Ceremonies

The Master of the Howl runs the moot and is responsible for the overall pacing of the moot, so therefore must pay attention to both in-game aspects of the moot as well as the meta-aspects.  Some specific pieces of advice follow: A GM will always be available to assist you should you need guidance.  The Litany and Litany Responses bluesheets are good ones to read.

Opening Howl

Here's some suggested text to begin the opening howl:

"Welcome wolves, one and all, my Changing brothers and sisters, dancers in the high moonlight, welcome! I call thee, summon thee, bring you hence to witness this circle, this everwidening circle, the moot that we call. Hear me! Hear my howl!"

[Master of the Howl howls, all of Sept follows]

[Last of Howls fade out]

"Now let us not forget our Wolfen Kin who dwindle in these last days, let our dirge keep their memory."

[Master of the Howl howls a mournful howl, Lupus follow, then Sept]

Recitation of the Litany

Now to open the recitation of the Litany:

"Like a fire holding back the Darkness of the Wyrm, our ancient Laws keep us from the Wyrm's foul embrace. Know thee the Litany Laws [Calls name of the Fool]?"

[Fool responds]

[Master of the Howl reads a tenet of the Litany]

[The Fool challenges this tenet.]

The Garou may respond right away; if not, then the Master of the Howl should ask "How say you, Sept of the [Sept Name]?"

[Repeat for the tenets that the Master of the Howl chooses.]

When the Master of the Howl is done, he nods to the Fool.

The recitation ends with a riddle from the Fool.

Calling the Wyld

The Master of the Howl gestures to the Caller of the Wyld to step forth.

The ritual proceeds.  As it ends, the Caller of the Wyld will return to his place.

Stories and Songs

The Master of the Howl steps forth and says, "Let the Time of Tales begin! [Calls name of the Talesinger], will you tell us a tale?"

The Talesinger will tell a tale, then call forth each pack.  The Master of the Howl should keep an eye on the timing, to ensure that the Talesinger doesn't take too long and neither do the individual packs.

As the last pack finishes, the Master of the Howl should tell the Talesinger to stop hogging the firelight in a friendly way.

Cracking the Bone

The Master of the Howl picks up a stick or bone and steps to the caern center, then speaks.

"And now let us crack the bone to find the marrow of Truth inside!"

[The Master of the Howl howls a high keening howl, ending in a jagged note]

"[Calls name of the Truthcatcher] will you help us catch the Truth this night?"

Truthcatcher responds, "Who brings a bone to pick?"

The Cracking the Bone proceeds.  The Master of he Howl should watch the assembled players to see if/when they start to get really bored, if things are dragging on he should motion the Truthcatcher to bring the proceedings to a close.

The Trutchcatcher closes the proceedings with, "The bones have been picked!"  If a stick was used to represent the bone, the stick is then broken.


The master of the Howl calls for the Ahrouns to assemble in a circle.  Then the Master of the Howl stomps around the inside of the circle, looking at the Ahrouns in turn, measuring them, judging them.  Finally, the Master of the Howl will lock eyes with an Ahroun and then turn away, indicating that the chosen Ahroun is the Wyrm Foe.

As noted, the Wyrm Foe should be chosen in advance so that the player of the Wyrm Foe can be prepared.

During the Revel the Master of the Howl has no particular duties.  The GMs will generally indicate to the Master of the Howl when it is time to gather the Garou for the Inner Sky.

Inner Sky

The Master of the Howl thank the Garou for assembling and then gesture to the Caller of the Wyld to begin the Inner Sky.

Closing Howl

As the Inner Sky ends, the Master of the Howl steps forth and says, "Farewell wolves, one and all, my Changing brothers and sisters, warriors in the coming day, farewell! I called thee, summoned thee, and brought you hence to take part in this circle, this fellowship circle, the moot that we called. Hear me! Hear my call!"

[Master of the Howl howls a booming howl and is joined by the sept.]