Renown and Rank Bluesheet

Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions


Renown amongst the Garou is a marker of cultural esteem, measuring how well a Garou lives up to what is expected of him in Garou culture.  Renown is awarded in three specific areas: Auspice heavily colors Renown, for a Garou's Auspice is largely determines his role in society and Renown is an indicator of how well the Garou is living up to that role.  How far a Garou rises in society depends to some degree on how well she respects and fulfills the demand of that role.  Therefore, different auspices will seek to earn different forms of renown. As a Garou gains Renown, he will rise in Rank.  More than any other trait, Rank measures the status and respect accorded to Garou by their peers.  The greatest secrets of the tribes are only taught to those Garou who have proven themselves, and the best way to do this is by gaining Rank, though few are able to survive long enough to achieve the higher Ranks.  There are seven Ranks amongst the Garou. Those Garou with a lower Rank than other Garou are expected to treat them with respect and reverence, while those Garou of higher Rank should also respect in turn those beneath them.  Garou who do not pay attention to such niceties will find themselves losing Honor and even Wisdom on a regular basis.

Types of Renown


The creed of Glory:
I shall be valorous
I shall be dependable
I shall be generous
I shall protect the weak
I shall slay the Wyrm

One can obtain Glory renown from the following actions:

One can lose Glory renown from the following scandalous actions:


The creed of Honor:
I shall be respectful
I shall be loyal
I shall be just
I shall live by my word
I shall accept all fair challenges
One can obtain Honor renown from the following actions: One can lose Honor renown from the following scandalous actions:


The creed of Wisdom:
I shall be calm
I shall be prudent
I shall be temperate
I shall be merciful
I shall think before I act and listen before I think
One can obtain Wisdom renown from the following actions: One can lose Wisdom renown from the following  actions:

Awarding Renown

As Renown is a public measure of respect for a Garou, it can only be awarded (or removed) in public settings.  There are several ways to gain (and lose) Renown: Renown is shared by Garou.  Should a group of Garou strongly act to uphold the Litany during a time of crisis, they would all receive Honor for their actions.  Should a couple of young Garou play a trick that backfires badly, they'd both lose Wisdom for their actions.  In addition, Garou are expected to perform ever-more Glorious, Honorable, and Wise deeds.  The same action performed over and over again will not gain a Garou more Renown.  For example, defeating your first Bane is worth some Glory, but to earn additional Glory from the killing of Banes you must seek out stronger opponents.  Thus the Garou strengthen themselves, ever-seeking greater challenges.

[Meta-note:  There is no specific system for awarding or keeping track of how much Renown a character has.  Respect for accomplishments is something that can't be quantified in real life, nor will it be in this game.  Role-play your respect for others as well as your demands for respect for your own actions.  Should you not be given the accolades and respect you deserve, then make a fuss about it.  There are great opportunities for role-playing here - for example, the reason why Oedipus ended up killing his father was because as he was walking along a road one day, a dude in a chariot demanded that he get out of the way.  Oedipus didn't take kindly to being ordered about and treated with so little respect, so Oedipus and the dude got in a fight and Oedipus killed the guy, who (of course) later turned out to be his father.]


Rank is a measure of the respect and loyalty Garou feel for one of their own, with its own privileges and duties.  The major ones are:


The lowest Rank, cubs have not gone through their Rite of Passage, though have typically gone through their First Change.  Cubs may not be challenged, on the grounds that cubs just aren't worth the effort.  On the other hand, all Garou are likely to come to a cub's aid if he gets into danger.  Many Septs have a Garou occupying the position of Den Mother/Father to watch over the cubs to ensure the cubs learn the ways of the Garou, learn to respect their elders and keep them out of trouble.


As soon as a Garou passes her Rite of Passage she is considered a "teenager" in the Garou Nation, and must prove herself worthy of promotion to a position of responsibility.  A cliath may not hold a sept office or take command of any group projects, except when the group is entirely composed of cliath, in which case the battles for leadership can be harsh indeed.


The Cliath-to-be must have earned a few Renown, either before or during her Rite of Passage.  A Cliath must learn her initial Gifts and swear an oath of loyalty to her sept and tribe, usually at a ceremony that takes place after her Rite of Passage.
Cliaths are required to give service to the sept on a regular basis. This service can entail minor jobs, such as aiding the Keeper of the Land with his duties or patrols, accepting guard duty, or helping an adren or elder with an upcoming Rite. Essentially, the Garou “job description” is “other duties as required,” and since the Cliath is of lesser in Rank than most Garou, the young Garou usually has  little choice but to obey.
Cliaths are allowed to perform simple Rites, can petition for justice, and are usually allowed access to the caern to perform rites.
Garou expect a cliath to go out an make a name for herself; one who hangs around the caern and doesn't try to find her own way won't be well-liked.  Cliath are always getting into trouble, but that's just part of being a cliath.  The elders give cliath a fairly long leash, intervening only when it looks like she wills crew up so badly as to be denied fostering.


This is typically the most common Rank at a sept. A fostern has earned some Renown outside of his Rite of Passage and now stands as an adult Garou amongst the Garou. Fostern are expected to attend moots, fulfill their duties as described by their auspice and learn the ways of their breed and tribe.


A Cliath must have earned several renown prior to challenging for Fostern Rank.
A fostern is required to give service to the sept on a regular basis.  This service can entail all the same minor jobs he performed as a cliath, only now he is expected to be competent and responsible.
A fostern is allowed to perform Basic Rites, can petition for justice, and are usually allowed access to the caern. He can also request the Gatekeeper that a Moon Bridge be opened to the destination of his choice, but the request will not always be heeded— Moon Bridges are sacred things and are not to be used frivolously.
Depending on the Garou, either a fostern is treated as "still a cliath", or "an adren in the making", which makes the time as a fostern both some of the most enjoyable and most difficult - the Garou has minimal responsibilities and enough knowledge to carry them out, but also enough knowledge to be dangerous and potentially expectations to know better.


Adren have gained prestige and renown, and are now expected to take a larger part in the affairs of the sept.


After having accumulated much Renown, the adren-to-be must challenge another adren in order to obtain the Rank.
The adren must give service to an elder who is training the adren for additional position(s). This takes some amount of (out-of-game) time. Adren are considered eligible to become minor sept leaders for positions like Keeper of the Land, Gatekeeper, Guardian and Den Mother, positions that do not require a lot of authority, as well as leaders of their packs, auspices or tribes when a higher-ranking Garou is not available. They are required to train fostern and often must spend more time at the caern than they would like. This is one of the toughest Ranks to obtain, because adren often have the responsibilities of an elder, but don't always have the authority to carry them out.
Fosterns must address adren with a term of respect. If an adren knows the Rite of Binding, she is allowed to create talens for yourself and others. The adren's name will be known outside her sept soon, probably among members of her tribe. The adren is allowed to perform rites on her own, and  can demand that the sept must provide a place for you to live, even if it is just communal living quarters. (This is for people with very low finances).
Adrens are seen to be in line for one or more sept positions. Everyone watches what they do, and the Ragabash in particular will try to catch them doing something scandalous. An adren is expected to set a good example. This can be quite a stressful time for a Garou.


Athro have respect and authority within the Garou Nation.  Others come to an athro for advice, and his word is respected at moots.


After having accumulated Renown through great actions, the athro to be must challenge and defeat another athro. Note that defeating that athro does not have any effect on that athro's glory, though being defeated may affect the challenger's. This challenge may take whatever form the challenged athro desires, and may be made appropriately easy or difficult depending upon how worthy the athro feels you are.  It is expected that an athro will occupy one or more of the elder positions in the sept - in some septs, if a position is not available then the athro to be must either challenge the current elder for the position and defeat he, or wait until a position becomes vacant.
Athro can be considered to be the colonels of the Garou, given the most dangerous missions while expected to advise the elders.  The greatest chances to gain Renown exist at this rank, though the greatest risks come as well - not many athro become elders.
An athro may request to be judged only by a council of elders, though the Philodox have the final say.  Athro get the best assignments, and are considered to be teachers by all other Garou.
Athro rank is the terminal rank for many Garou, a rank where many great deeds can be done before the Garou's responsibilities to the sept become paramount.


Regios are at the peak of their achievement as Garou, looked up to as a paragon.  A Regio commands respect and obedience from those around her.


The regio to be must have performed a number of incredible deeds worthy of renown and be ready to fill one of the elder positions at a sept or caern, and cannot advance to regio if one of these positions is not available. Either the regio to be must challenge the elder for his position and defeat him or wait until he vacates the position.  The possible positions are described in the Sept and Caern bluesheets.
The regio is responsible for his position, and has the final responsibility for guiding other Garou in the sept.  There will typically be only a few regio in a sept, so the need for their experience and wisdom is great.
Regios are pretty much free to do what they will so long as they fulfill their other duties.  They can "get away" with quite a bit and still command respect and obedience from everyone around them.

Gaining Rank

In order to gain rank, a Garou must have received sufficient Renown appropriate to his auspice.  The Garou must challenge a Garou of that Rank or beyond and succeed to be acknowledged in that Rank.  The challenge must be made to a Garou outside of one's pack.  The challenge must be made to another of the same auspice, if none other is available then the Philodox are used, then one's tribe.  The challenged Garou can make the challenge as easy or as hard as he chooses.  The results of the challenge will be announced at a moot by the Galliards, though the challenge may occur at any time.  If the Garou seeking Rank loses, she may not challenge for Rank again until she has earned additional Renown.  For more information on challenges, please refer to the Challenge bluesheet.

[System:  There is no specific system defining how much Renown is necessary to seek a new Rank.  At the start of the game, characters and the elders of the auspices will have an idea of who is just about ready to earn a higher Rank and who isn't - beyond that, it is up to the characters to earn Renown and be judged fit for additional Ranks.]