
Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions

The Stargazers are perhaps the most peaceful and contemplative of the Garou tribes. During the Impergium, they were among the Garou who believed the treatment of the humans was unjust and criminal and sought an end to their persecution. Their pleas fell upon deaf ears, so they withdrew from werewolf society to study and meditate on their own, hoping to find inner peace and enlightenment in a bleak, violent world. Their tendency to gaze thoughtfully into the night sky was the inspiration for the other tribes to give them the name they carry still today.

The Stargazers, despite their peaceful nature, can be as fierce in times of war as any other Garou. They merely have different ideals. Working unseen in the shadows, they protect humanity from the hideous minions of the Wyrm. This has brought them great animosity from some members of other tribes, but their wisdom is widely respected among the Garou. The Stargazers live a very spartan life, shunning material wealth of any kind as a burden to spiritual enlightenment. They seek only truth. They have no council or elders to whom they must answer. Instead, each Stargazer seeks her own path in the world. When they require wisdom, members of this tribe seek to gain audience with the aged among their kind. Their dispassionate, intellectual lives can frustrate the more passionate tribes, such as the Black Furies, Fianna, Get of Fenris, Red Talons, or Wendigo. Their isolation causes a lack of common understanding, which leads to them being considered untrustworthy by many Garou.

Due to their nature, Stargazers feel a special bond with the loners and derelicts of human society. They protect them quietly, never allowing them to realize the true horrors of the Wyrm. In this they find a common bond with the Bone Gnawers, who treat the unfortunate of the street as their brothers. The Stargazers also hold a special relationship with the moon and her spirits. They believe that she guides them in all ways, watching over and protecting them from the horrors of the night. Some say that it is Luna who has taught them Kailindo, a martial art that takes advantage of the shifting of forms in the midst of combat.

While very even-tempered, the Stargazers can be fierce enemies of the Wyrm. They take the word of the Litany to heart, and will strike down the head of the Wyrm as it rises. However, they tend to take the role of the quiet stalker, rather than the raging berserker. An anecdote of the Stargazers tells of a Wyrm-hearted vampire who moved into the domain of a pack of Stargazers with his seven ghouls. At dusk for the next seven days, one ghoul was found dead upon the entrace of his new home. Filled with fear, he bolted and lept into his carriage shouting commands at the local men he had hired to run his stable. Calmly and quickly the men secured the carriage, but from the outside. They then lit the carriage on fire and encircled it, grinning with inhumanly sharp teeth as the vampire flailed.

The Rite of Passage of a young Stargazer is not widely known. Rumors say that it is a physical test that purges the body and frees the mind, while teaching the first basics of the discipline of Kailindo.

Stargazers are rarely seen in the western world, collecting in small pockets as their kinfolk come to the new world. It is only in the past decade that the first Stargazer has taken up residence within the Sept of the Zephyr’s Mind. Talianth has come alone, and is silent as to his reasons. Some say he is on a mission that he has yet to disclose. Some whisper he is a spy, but those who first tried to challenge him learned quickly that a dispassionate exterior does not keep him from being a formidable warrior.

Wisdom offered on and to the other tribes:

Bone Gnawers: Wolves that run with rats, become like the rats. But, if a pearl lies in the muck, it is still a pearl.

Black Furies: Anger leads the heart onto paths the mind would not. Gaia is dual, as are her children. You cannot understand the world while rejecting one half of it.

Children of Gaia: Passionate peaceable friend, you are honored. We remind you that peace can both lie in the heart, and to the heart.

Fianna: Carnality is an escape into a cage of barbed silver. But wisdom of ancient ways, celebrated with all your being, may provide yet a key.

Get of Fenris: You cannot dominate others when you cannot first control yourself. You have long debts to pay before your soul is again clean.

Glass Walkers: You are not what you own, you are what owns you. You ride on rails that twist both dark and silver, and must take care not to fall.

Red Talons: When you let mourning guide your every action, then Harano will claim what is left when you have hurt all you can reach.

Shadow Lords: When you manipulate the weaknesses of others for your ambition, the Wyrm manipulates you. Seek clarity then, and your strong will may yet carry you free.

Silent Striders: Wisdom is not found in distant lands that you might travel to it, but found instead deep inside on that long track that winds into your soul. Dedication you have, but to whom?

Silver Fang: Luna is our mother, and her metal is Silver. How noble and pure it is, and it serves her like no other substance. But how quickly it can burn and cut her children, and how subtly it can tarnish over time if it is not looked to.

Uktena: Your widom honors you, your will is strong. How can you understand the secrets of the shadowy realm, when you do not cast light into the shadows of your own soul?

Wendigo: Trees rise and fall, men come and are gone. Defend your home, but do not destroy it in your fury to quench your bloodlust. The ultimate defense is found within.