What's Where
Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions
Copyright 2000, Embers Productions. All rights reserved.
This document describes commonly-known places and locations.
Caern of the Buried Heart
The bawn of the Buried Heart is extremely large, covering over one hundred
square miles including the Quabbin Reservoir and surrounding environs.
The Bawn (and reservoir territory) are bound by several roads: route
US202 to the west, 9 to the south, 32A and 32 to the east, and 122 to the
North. These major roads also form a rough boundary for the bawn
of the caern. In the southeast, the Hardwick road extends into the
bawn, and in the south a small tourist road loops north from route 9 and
goes by the Windsor Dam that holds back the Swift (formerly Quabchogmagog)
The bawn is covered in hilly New England woods where it is not covered
by the reservoir. The woodland flora and fauna is very abundant,
for a number of reasons: Humans haven't lived in the area for over
sixty years now, though there are still occasional traces of human habitation
such as old cellarholes or cemetary plots. No human hunting or fishing
is allowed in the area. The Garou actively work to ensure that the
area is protected from the Wyrm and the Weaver. Finally, Gaia's energy
flows throughout the area in the form of the caern of the Buried Heart.
The bawn (and therefore the caern within) is protected from outside
influences in a number of ways. First of all, there are fences around
much of the reservoir that serve to deter casual visitors. A number
of spirits loyal to the Warder and Guardians regularly patrol the Bawn,
watching for threats in the material and spirit worlds. Finally,
bawn is patrolled by the Warder and Guardians themselves along with those
Garou that they conscript. Patrol duty is often used as a punishment
for the transgressions of younger Garou, while older Garou tend to say
that they like getting a run through a woodland that is still sacred to
All Garou who enter the bawn are required to enter in the same place, so
that the Warder can track the comings and goings and ensure the safety
of the caern. There's a turnoff off the Hardwick Road to go to the
Sunnyvale Campground. If someone comes by, they are told that
the campground is closed unless they give the proper passphrase, which
changes as the Warder decides.
The family that runs the "campground" are Kinfolk of the Uktena - Mary
and John Cloud, their son Jesse and John's mother Rae. All of them know
the Garou of the Buried Heart on sight and will let them pass. Anyone
else who does not know the passphrase (which the Warder defines) is told
that the campground is closed. Spirits watch the family and their
house (which has the only electricity and telephone on the bawn) and will
warn the Warder should anything go awry.
Garou and visitors who arrive by vehicle are directed to drive a little
ways beyond the campground to a parking lot in the woods, where the cars
can be left. Garou typically then change into lupus form and run
northwest a couple of miles to reach the Rocks, and from there they can
reach Pocumtuc's Island and the caern. There are no direct paths
along here, Garou are encouraged to take indirect routes so no trails will
be made that could lead someone to the caern.
The Rocks
The rocks are a series of boulders placed just below the surface of the
water to enable Garou to make it the couple of hundred yards from the mainland
to Pocumtuc's Island, where the caern is located. The Ahroun and
other Garou wishing to practice jumping and leaping skills will play games
to see who can cross the Rocks the fastest, without getting wet.
New visitors to the caern almost always misstep and get wet, much to the
amusement of the more sophomoric Garou.
Pocumtuc's Island
Pocumtuc's Island is island running close to two miles north/south and
up to a mile east-west with large patches of old-growth forest intermixed
with some newer growth. On the eastern shore about a mile up lies
the caern of the Buried Heart. Unlike the rest of the bawn, Garou
have full run of Pocumtuc's Island.
The Caern
The real area of the caern is a stretch of shoreline and water covering
about an acre on Pocumtuc's Island. The major features of the caern
are the Heart, the Fire Pit, the Field, and the Caern of Heroes.
Beyond the Caern are the Lodges, the Forge, the Mirror Rock, and the Hot
The Heart
Just beyond the shoreline the bottom drops steeply off to create a "hole"
in the water. Dilkoosha's Heart, the true center of the caern, is
said to lie at the bottom of this hole, or even beneath it. Just
before the bottom drops off, a small pile of stones marks the original
waterline before the reservoir was formed.
The Fire Pit
The fire pit is a large pit surrounded by logs for sitting and a pile of
logs for burning. This is one center of Garou activity during moots,
where the Garou gather for the Howl, the Litany, the Songs and Stories,
and the Cracking of the Bone.
The Field
The field is a flat area of ground approximately 50' x 50' that is kept
clear of stones and other debris. This is the other center of Garou
activity during moots, where the Revel occurs. Public Challenges
are typically held here as well.
The Caern of Heroes
The Caern of Heroes is a large pile of rocks, one for each Garou who has
died in the history of the Buried Heart. When a Garou dies, his packmates
(or tribemates, if he was the last of his pack) find an appropriate rock
and inscribe it with Garou pictograms to name the fallen hero and his exploits.
Then, when the Dirge for the Fallen is howled, the rock is placed on the
caern. Garou who are speaking to the sept will sometimes pick up
the rock of a particular hero and use the hero's name and story to help
make their points.
The Lodges
Several lodges built in the native long-house style lie to the north of
the caern, hidden from the shore but still close to it. With no running
water or electricity, the quarters are spartan to many but home to the
members of the Destiny's Run pack and Arianna, along with the occasional
The Forge
Near the Lodges is Shade's workshop and forge where she crafts weapons
and silver. The smoke from the forge's fires (and other fires in
the caern) is concealed by spirits so anyone wandering the bawn unnoticed
is less likely to notice the presence of the Garou.
Mirror Rock
Just to the west of the caern is a large polished obsidian rock, large
enough for two Garou side-by-side to enter or exit the Umbra. Garou
travelling through the Umbra who wish to enter the caern must do so through
the Mirror Rock, and then notify a Guardian. Garou who wish to enter
the Umbra from the caern must check with a Guardian first, though they
are generally allowed to enter through the water or the Mirror Rock.
The Warder and Guardians have instituted these policies for the protection
of the caern.
Hot Spring
Close by the caern is a small hot spring, unfortunately not large enough
for anyone to relax in. The Theurges consider it to be an important
location and construct a sweat lodge over the hot spring once each month.
The sandbar is a stretch of sand three feet below the surface of the water
on the east side of Pocumtuc's Island connecting it to a smaller island.
Aside from being a great place to play, the sand, which is the purest in
the lake, makes very good earth components in rituals. The sand also
has the scent of the caern and is used by Umbral Navigators to mark their
Windsor Dam
At the southernmost point of Quabbin Reservoir is the Windsor Dam, built
in the 1930's to provide Boston and the surrounding metropolis with water.
The Garou of the Buried Heart allowed and even supported the construction
of the dam, though after it was built the new sept leader - Old Blade,
Young Heart - attempted to destroy it. His efforts were blocked by
a powerful Weaver spirit that was awakened in the dam. The spirit
of the dam is still there today, covered in Umbral webs and resting quietly.
The Garou of the Buried Heart are content to leave it there, for the dam
allowed the bawn of the caern and the strength of the the sept to both
The Howling Spot
Off the tourist road just north of the Windsor Dam is a small cove named
Trumpet's Cove. If enough Garou with strong voices howl there, the
sound will echo up and down the reservoir and reverberate back in such
a manner so as to disguise the location of the howlers. Aside from
being an aesthetically pleasing instrument of howl-assistance, the cove
also makes the best place on the lake to sound a warning should the Bawn
ever become invaded. Not only can every Garou in the Bawn hear the
call, but the enemy will have little sense of just how many Buried Heart
Garou are howling and where they are. If a warning sounds from Trumpet's
Cove, Garou near to the cove are expected to go there, all other Garou
are to immediately gather at the caern.
Caern of the Zephyr's Mind
The bawn of the Zephyr's Mind covers only a few acres, including the Cambridge
Common, the Great House and the surrounding streets in Harvard Square.
The bawn is monitored using tools of the Wyld and Weaver by the Warder
and Guardians, who also have the assistance of the Harvard University and
Cambridge police forces.
The Great House
From the street, the House appears to be a set of brownstones, apartment
buildings and offices that abutt one another. In fact, all of the
buildings are connected together into a single large, block-sized building.
Only a few entrances are actually usable, the rest look real but are bricked
up. Inside, the House is well-appointed, as would befit a residence
of the Glass Walker tribe. Between the houses is a square courtyard
and a lone willow tree. The surrounding walkway was paved stone by
stone by Theurges, laying down a defense against the Wyrm. The wrought-iron
benches date from 1839, after a mischevious faerie named Ruthandanon dared
to enchant the tree such that lemons appeared on some of its branches.
The Whispering Tree
The willow tree is constantly in motion, its leaves and branches swaying
in a breeze that doesn't exist. There is almost a voice to the motion
of the tree, if only one had the ear. Aeolian, the caern spirit of
the Zephyr's Mind, dances in the tree's branches.
Other Notable Places
Salamander's Soul
The Caern of the Salamander's Soul was located along the shore of Indian
Lake, until it was taken over by the Black Spiral Dancers and turne into
their hive.
The "Athens of the West" is strongly influenced by the Weaver through the
educational institutions and commerce happening in the city. However,
the Wyrm has a foothold as well - most of the popular night spots and halls
of high society are believed to be controlled by vampires.
There is little up to date information on what is happening in Worcester,
other than that it is still known to be Black Spiral Dancer territory and
there is the occasional scent of a vampire in the city.
The only major city not under the influence of the Garou or the Wyrm, those
Garou from the Buried Heart who want to spend time in the city tend to
go here.
Wolf Valley
Located in Ayer, Wolf Valley lies in territory unclaimed by any pack and
un-influenced by the Black Spiral.
North of Worcester
The Black Spirals located there have been largely driven out by the activities
of the Children of Thunder. The territory was formerly claimed by
the Sisters of the Silver Flame.
Sept of the River's Rage
One of the two closest septs to those in Massachusetts, the Caern of the
River's Rage lies at the base of Niagara Falls. The Garou of the
sept include Children of Gaia and Black Furies, among others. The
Sept is constantly fighting against the pollution of and buildup around
the Great Lakes.
Azicoos Sept
The other closest sept to those in Massachusetts lies near the intersection
of the New Hampshire, Maine and Quebec borders and is populated by Wendigo
and Red Talons, among others. The sept is distinctly unfriendly with
those of Massachusetts, considering both the Zephyr's Mind and Buried Heart
to be tainted by the Weaver and the Wyrm.