Who's Who

Embers, a live-action role-playing game, by Embers Productions

Copyright 2000, Embers Productions. All rights reserved.

This document describes the Garou of the Buried Heart and Zephyr's Mind septs, and lists out the active Garou in those septs for each auspice, tribe and breed.  For a more detailed history of each, refer to the Buried Heart and Zephyr's Mind bluesheets.

Who's Who in the Sept of the Buried Heart

The Silver Horn Pack

The Silver Horn Pack enjoys the most rank per member of all the packs in the Sept. Those of the pack all started out together as younger Cliath and Fostern. Now, in the arguably twilight years of the pack, they are concerning themselves with the education of others and passing along what they know, though they still remain formidable allies in battle. The Shadow Lords have a longtime rivalry with the Silver Fangs regarding territory and Sept control that has played out over the four centuries of the Buried Heart's presence in the region.

The pack totem is Pegasus. The Pegasus is a noble winged horse who embodies the pure rage of the Wyld and the spirit of the Wyld flying free. Pegasus is concerned chiefly with sacred places, ever seeking to protect them. Pegasus helps her children by giving them extra rage and a greater connection to the Wyld (which takes on various forms per the individual)

The pack members, in barking order:

The Hunter, Sarah Witham, "Hunter", 43, Female, Homid, Silver Fang, Philodox, Regio. Sept Leader, Silver Fang Elder, Philodox Elder, Silver Horn Pack Leader. Played by Keri Reuss. In a very real sense, Sarah is the Sept. All look to her for strength. Sarah's leadership ability clearly comes from her quiet example and character, though every once in while she is forced into a physical challenge. Her Garou name is well deserved as she has a Kinship with animals that even Garou do not normally possess.  Together with Nicodemus' counsel, she runs the Sept during peacetime with stability and confidence.

Noah, Noah James, "Heart Makes Words", 47, Male, Homid, Uktena, Galliard, Regio. Galliard Elder. Played by Mike Romatelli. Other Garou call him moody, brash, mercurial, opinionated, and temperamental.  Some younger Ragabash have snickered the name 'Heart-Bleeds-Often.' All of these Noah admits to be true. He is an accomplished poet and storyteller who always seems in pursuit of the perfect distillation of words. He is also a fearsome sight when in battle, often throwing himself into fits of passion and rage-inspired madness. Wise Garou get him angry, point him at a foe, and then stand aside to clean up the wreckage. Noah is very proactive about mentoring other Galliard Garou in the ways of The Fugue, which often involves chemically induced emotional or spiritual liberation. He is someone that people enjoy talking to when they want to talk about important things - philosophy, what it means to be Garou, etc.

Mist, Mist, 5(37), Lupus, Uktena, Theurge/Umbral Navigator, Adren. Lupus Elder. Played by Lora Schwartz.  Mist is the elder lupus Garou among the Sept of the Buried Heart, a dubious honor since there are but two in the Sept. Mist's talents lie primarily as a premier Theurge Navigator, a tracker, and as one who thinks in very different ways than most Garou. Mist spends much time in the Umbra, though because of difficulties with the homid tongue she does not seem to care for recording her knowledge, preferring to chaperone other Garou personally. Though her temperament for political issues often seems blasé, she is very concerned about the future of the wolves in the area and has been known to become very agitated if engaged in this personally relevant topic. Mist is an active mentor to the Navigators of the Sept, though her methods are sometimes difficult to fathom. Instead of a more lecture-based format, Mist prefers to engage the younger ones in Garou games of hide-and-go-seek.

Simon, Simon Treehorn, "Whispers-to-the-Tree", 33, Homid, Adren, Silver Fang, Ragabash, Den Father. Played by Mauricio Senties. Simon is the omega member of the Silver Horn Pack as well as the Den Father for all of the Cubs and Cliath of the Sept of the Buried Heart. Of all the Silver Horn Pack, Simon is the lowest ranked, though he seems to have no ambitions in an upward direction. He is a very happy, outgoing, likeable sort which makes him perfect as a big brother figure for the younger Garou as well as the most approachable Garou among his packmates. Simon is also very in tune with the spirits of the forest. In fact, he often is able to keep an eye on the younger ones by employing the trees themselves to assist him.

Justine, Justine Thurmann, "Wind-On-The-Branch", 35 yrs. old, Homid, Athro, Silver Fang, Ahroun. Deceased. Justine was mother to Walker, another Silver Fang in the Buried Heart. Shortly after her son died while investigating strange disturbances in the Worcester/Boston commuter rail line with Noah James, Mist, and Walker's pack (Luna's Flood), Justine began to fall into a deep Harano. Instead of dropping into complete despair, she chose an honorable suicide by taking on a whole pack of Black Spiral Dancers. Sarah has made it the pack's duty to honor her name somehow at each of the five moots after her death - one for each auspice.

The Children of Thunder

The Children of Thunder are an exclusively Shadow Lord pack. Public opinion is not at this time in favor of the Children. Largely due to their Shadow Lord heritage, there is a chasm of mistrust between them and the rest of the Sept. However, few can refute the pack's extensive contributions to the Sept. They are by far the most insightful and experienced when it comes to understanding and combating the Wyrm. They have the most contacts into the mortal world. And they host the foremost acknowledged authority on the local caerns, Nicodemus Kuzeja, as their alpha. The Shadow Lords have a longtime rivalry with the Silver Fangs regarding territory and Sept control that has played out over the four centuries of the Buried Heart's presence in the region.

The Pack's totem is Grandfather Thunder. This totem does not allow itself to be chosen as a pack totem; instead, it chooses which packs to adopt. Thunder then sends out one of his stormcrows to watch over a pack instead of relegating a totem avatar. He never travels himself, nor does he choose a pack that has not requested him. Thunder grants upon his children the power of the storm by steeling their will against even the mightiest of opponents.

The pack members, in barking order:

Nicodemus, Nicodemus Kuzeja, "Breath-of-Storm", 55, Male, Homid, Theurge/Spirit, Shadow Lord, Athro. Wartime Leader, Master of the Rite, Elder Theurge, Elder Ahroun, Pack Leader. Played by Sven Skoog. Nicodemus is a very powerful Theurge whose dedication and prowess are hard-won. Nicodemus is the acknowledge wartime leader of the Sept because of his extensive experience at fighting the Wyrm and his experience at caern magic. It was Nicodemus who was asked be a part of the colloquim of regional Theruges who attempted to save the Caern of the Salamander's Soul eight years ago. It was also his diagnosis that enabled the Garou to heal the Buried Heart and Zephyr's Mind two years ago. His counsel provides the Sept Leader with an unparalleled insight into the Wyrm. Indeed, none among the Buried heart have more dealing with vampires than he (though admittedly his experience is slight, it is mostly in-person due to the caern efforts). Since the events eight years ago however, his emotions have hardened. Though fearsome and sometime perverse, his actions are far from reckless.

Cassandra, Cassandra Kuzeja, "Raven-on-Green", 32, Female, Homid, Ahroun, Shadow Lord, Fostern. Played by Cat Davidson-Hall. Cassandra is Nicodemus' daughter, though she never refers to him as anything but 'Nicodemus'. She is a strong Ahroun who seems to have uncanny perceptions about the inner workings of the mind and personality. A mercurial and instinctual Garou, she has a knack for social engineering (the kind way of saying 'manipulating people'). Cassandra's insightful understanding of people and spirits gives her great success against tricky Banes. Cassandra is twin sister to her brother Cassidy, with whom she is strikingly competitive.  She is also mother to Jorg, a metis Garou (also in her pack). It is clear that she loves her son very much.  Cassandra is currently an employee of Artemis.

Cassidy, Cassidy Kuzeja, "Rage-Breaks-Rock", 32, Male, Homid, Ahroun, Shadow Lord, Fostern. Played by Sam Gorton. Cassidy is Cassandra's twin rother and nearly her opposite in temperament. He is a very disciplined Garou, in combat and in study. Though the main tactician for the Children of Thunder, Cassidy yields to Nicodemus' authority. Among the Sept, he is well known in the Sept for his tactical skills, especially against Black Spiral Dancers, and his advice considered valuable to any attempting to engage the Wyrm in combat.

Emerson, Emerson Hall, "Will-of-Oak", 28, Male, Homid, Shadow Lord, Philodox, Cliath. Played by Scott Lutz.  Emerson has been Cliath for an unnaturally long time. It is expected he will become Fostern soon. A self-styled arm of the law, Emerson prefers to enact Philodox justice rather than render judgements. Emerson has an uncanny ability to roll over another's will, almost to the point of being able to push around those well above his rank.

Arianna, Arianna Richards, "Foundling", 17, Female, Homid, Theurge/Umbral Navigator, Shadow Lord, Cliath. Sept Gatekeeper. Played by Carol King. A new foundling, brought to Nicodemus by a Silent Strider about a year ago. She has yet to decide upon her Garou name, which seems to bother Nicodemus a great deal. She is in training to be a Navigator, though she has yet to really show any prowess at the craft. Though obedient, she seems a bit overwhelmed by her new life. Nicodemus has ordered her to remain at the bawn of the caern unless on pack business. This makes her responsibilities as Sept Gatekeeper, though a token appointment, easier to manage. Arianna has been apprenticed by the Uktena Theurge Shade to learn fetish crafting and silversmithing.

Jorg, Jorg Kuzeja, "Speaks-with-Mountain", 16, Male, Metis, Galliard, Shadow Lord, Cliath. Played by Mark Simpson. Cassandra's son - and a metis. His father's identity is unknown amongst the Sept and Cassandra does not speak of it. His presence is an unsettling one, but it is hard to describe in just what manner.  Though Galliard, he seems to exhibit no skills which would denote him so.  In fact, he is more notable by his gravelly and unleasing voice.  His howls during moots are the softest.

Milla, Milla Praetar "Flirts-With-Disaster", 40, Female, Homid, Ragabash, Shadow Lord, Adren. Deceased. Often defiant to Nicodemus in less-than-critical matters, Milla was often the only bit of levity in the pack. About a year ago, shortly after she gained her Adren rank, she began to show signs of slipping into Harano. This went on for about a year. Then suddenly, as if a switch had been thrown, she seemed to snap out of it shortly after becoming pregnant.  Three months ago, which was 7 moths into her pregnancy, she went into early labor; neither she nor the baby survived. Those of her pack do not discuss the matter openly.

Destiny's Run

Destiny's Run is the oldest pack in the sept, dating back to the time when only Uktena were in the Sept.  An Uktena has always led the pack, and tradition also has it that the senior Ahroun of the pack is Warder of the Caern and the other members are Guardians.  Only in the past fifty years or so has the pack accepted any non-Uktena members, then only because the duties of Guardianship required more paws than the Uktena had.

The pack takes their duties to heart. The entire pack lives on the bawn of the caern and regularly patrols both.  Due to the vast size of the caern and bawn, only the Warder and Guardians have full run of the Bawn.  Unless a Garou is expressly on the business of his tribe or auspice, the Garou must get permission of the Warder or a Guardian.  These measures have worked well, and no incursion of the Wyrm has occurred under Stonefang's watch.

The pack members, in barking order:

Stonefang,  Besh-A-Woh (Fangs of Stone).  46, Male, Homid Ahroun Uktena Athro.  Warder of the Caern, Elder of the Ahrouns, Pack Leader of Destiny's Run.  Player:  Kyle Murphy.  Stonefang's whiskers are whiter than they used to be, and his right knee sometimes does worse than let him know the weather is changing, sometimes it even fails him in battle.  The story of how he slew a vampire in single combat and got that battle scar is still told in the sept, a remembrance of his glory days.  However, Stonefang is still the most powerful warrior in the sept, the epitome of the grizzled warrior Garou.  He has been a Guardian and Warder longer than many younger Garou have been alive.  His skills as a leader are unquestioned - though Nicodemus would lead in wartime, Stonefang would be the best choice to lead a battle.  Some even consider it an honor to be the subject of the tests (others say thrashings) he administers as a sergeant.  When he chooses to speak, others listen carefully.

Shade, Be-Ki-Asz-Jole-Be-Toh (Shade of the Oak), 31, Female, Homid Spirit Theurge Uktena Adren.  Elder of the Uktena, Smith, Guardian of the Caern.  Player:  Katherine Journeay.  Shade has a profound connection with the spirit world - those who walk into her forge sometimes think they've mistakenly entered the Umbra.  Some whisper that this is why she is the Uktena elder even though she is less accomplished than Mist, Noah, or Stonefang, but the Uktena aren't telling.  The Uktena have more secrets than any other tribe, and Shade knows more than any other in the sept.  For all this knowledge, she is not terrifying - on the contrary, she is one of the better-natured Garou one could meet, almost as approachable as Noah and more easily found.  Shade can almost always be located in her forge, working on some new fetish or talen.  She is the only Garou with the knowledge of silversmithing around, though she recently took on Arianna as an apprentice.  She has been extremely busy of late as she makes the final preparations for the rite that will complete the klaive she has been working on for several years.  Her Rattler's Kiss fetish has sometimes been prominently displayed to ward off visitors, but she's almost always happy to greet them.

Blade, Peter Bruce, "Old Blade, Young Heart".  26, Male, Homid Ahroun Silver Fang Adren.  Guardian of the Caern.  Age: 26  Player:  Quick (Andrew Laporte).  Blade took his father's name in order to honor his father's memory.  Old Blade, Young Heart was Sept Leader for thirty-two years, the longest that anyone can remember.  The blood of ancient Garou runs strong in Blade - he's one of the best fighters in the Sept, certainly the most impressive to watch as he makes an art of combat.  He has recently defeated two Black Spiral Dancers in single combat in recent weeks.  Blade caused some consternation this past fall as it came out that Faith, his mate, was a Kinfolk of the Shadow Lords.  However, excitement over the news of a prospective Garou child won out over ire so even though Blade isn't in the good graces of the Children of Thunder, he is at least tolerated.

Alex, Alex Garrity, "Witness to Ruin".  25, Male Homid Philodox Fianna (Garrity family) Fostern.  Master of the Challenge, Guardian of the Caern.  Player:  Alex Newbold.  Besides being young and brilliant, Alex is the highest-ranking Philodox in the sept after The Hunter.  Though not of sufficient rank to ordinarily hold the position, Alex accepted the position of Master of the Challenge because The Hunter had too many other responsibilities to take that one as well after Silvered Mind died.  Alex has done an excellent job as Master of the Challenge, proving the faith put in him by The Hunter.  However, the elder ranks are not afraid to tell Alex what they think of his decisions, good or bad, though they do respect them.  Alex's family had moved to the area after his Fianna relatives were banned from Boston, so after going through his First Change he was taken into the Buried Heart.  Alex has stayed apart from the disputes between the O'Meara and MacKinnon Fianna, instead stating that he believes the two packs should make amends.  Recently, Alex began making a very good mead, and is willing to part with it to help calm those who are on the wrong side of his Judgements.

Tear (pronounced TEER), Christopher Sforza, "Tears of Fury".  25, Male Homid Ragabash Uktena Fostern.  Guardian of the Caern.  Player:  Sumirko Oei.  Stonefang's son, Tear sometimes weeps when he's very angry.  Unfortunately, he gets angry a lot, perhaps moreso than the elders that he annoys.  The young Ragabash knows a lot as well, and seems to have connections where other Garou have none.  When not on pack duties, he spends time making trouble with the other fosterns and cliaths.  Rumor has it that he's now taking bets on who Shade will give the klaive to, the favorite is currently Stonefang.

Black, Dubh-ceo (Black Fog). 20, Male, Lupus Ahroun Fianna (Garrity family) Cliath. Guardian of the Caern.  Player Name:  Sean Anderson.  The second lupus in the sept after Mist, Black arrived two years ago from Ireland.  Many Garou in the sept have never heard him speak, though enough say that they have that there has to be a grain of truth there.  His mystery is compounded with a penchant for showing up in odd places, when other Garou would not expect him to be there.  As an Ahroun cliath, Black is quietly aggressive as he proves himself in the sept, though time and time again he has proven to be the fastest runner in the sept.

Storm, Watetkitha (Calls Storm).  25, Female Homid Galliard Uktena Fostern.  Guardian of the Caern.  [Deceased].  Storm had a wonderful voice and a tartly foul mouth that made her very popular in the sept.  She always had a good comeback for the Fool in moots during the recitation of the Litany.  However, she died about a year ago after being poisoned by a Bane during an investigation of a threat to the caern.

The MacKinnons

The MacKinnons are one of two Fianna Tribe in the Sept of the Buried Heart.  They are led by a  Ragabash and the whole dynamic of the Pack is one of exhuberant joy.  They jump wholeheartedly into whatever it is that they do - fighting the Wyrm, drinking, or bickering with the O'Mearas.  Their feud with the O'Mearas goes back close to two hundred years and shows no signs of letting up, apparently starting when the first O'Meara set foot in the area.

The MacKinnon Pack Totem is Fox. Fox is a nocturnal predator who is difficult, if not impossible, to catch. He represents guile, good nature, and cleverness.  In many mythologies, Fox is a trickster figure, like Coyote, but not as foolish as Coyote.  When Fox smiles upon his children, they are often able to sneak away without a sound.

The pack members, in barking order:

Sees, Michael MacKinnon, "Sees Through Darkness".  41 years old., Male,  Homid Ragabash Fianna Regio. Ragabash Elder. MacKinnon Pack Leader.  Played by Lackey (Chris Chaney).  Sees is everything that is expected from a Regio Ragabash. He often speaks in riddles and jokes that appear meaningless at first glance, but later turn out to be quite insightful indeed.  He laughs often, but it is often hard to tell if he is laughing with someone, or at them. His Pack is fiercely loyal to him.

Dagda, Dunstan McKinney, "The Dagda's Hands". 30 years old, Male, Homid Galliard Fianna, Fostern. Played by Peter Crone.  Until recently, Dagda's harp music was the pride of the Sept.  A month ago, he got into a shillelagh fight with Mouth, the O'Meara Galliard.  He lost the duel and his hands were broken.  They still haven't healed, which has caused a lot of whispered comments.  Despite his loss, Dagda has remained as jovial and free-spirited as ever.

Ferdiad, Patrick Rourke, "Ferdiad's Fist". 31 year old, Male, Homid Ahroun Fianna,  Adren. Played by Mike Tatroe.  Ferdiad is fairly mellow for an Ahroun.  He is well known for carefully assessing an opponent before he strikes, and then very precisely destroying them.  Although he is a higher Rank than Dagda, he is not the second in command of his Pack.  This does not seem to bother him.

Laughs, Dunstan MacKinnon, "Laughs In Hell". 27 years old, Male, Homid, Ahroun, Fianna, Fostern. Played by Todd Dibble.  Laughs is a very blunt, direct person.  He will fight or argue with anyone, anytime, anywhere. He seems to take a great joy in confrontation, but is cheerful in both victory and defeat.  Lately, he seems to have been specifically picking on Red.

Deirdre, Deirdre MacKinnon, "Deirdre of the Second Question".  Played by Steph Aprille.  18 years old, Female, Homid, Philodox, Fianna, Cliath.  Shy and young, Deirdre has not yet made many waves and seems disinclined to do so.  The only time she displays the Fianna penchant for extreme emotion is when she is arguing vociferously with an O'Meara, especially Agus Ban.  She is, however, single-minded when performing a Judgement - she asks question after question, until the two parties are exhausted and it becomes obvious to everyone what the Judgement must be.

Shadows, Connor MacKinnon, "Shadows of Light".  He would be 34 years old, Male, Homid, Spirit Theurge, Fianna, Adren.  [Deceased].  Shadows of Light was an up and coming Spirit Theurge until his death 2 years ago.  He was killed as a result of an incident with a were-rat.  Although rumor has it that Shadows committed suicide, the MacKinnons vociferously maintain that he was killed by the Ratkin.

Bull, Michael MacKinnon, "Brother To Bull".  23 years old, Male, Homid, Ahroun, Fianna, Fostern.  [Missing].  Bull is the older brother of Deirdre.  A year and a half ago, Challenged the O'Meara Pack Leader, Stag Heart, to a duel over a woman.  Bull lost the duel and therefore the woman.  The two Fianna families nearly went to war over the issue, and tensions only subsided when Bull disappeared, apparently preferring to slink away then to face the O'Mearas.

The O'Mearas

The O'Mearas are the other Fianna Pack in the Sept.  Although they also have a passion for life, they take themselves much more seriously than the MacKinnons do.  Earnest, dedicated, and fiercely protective of their Kin, they participate in the Fianna Feud with as much drive as they seek out hives of Black  Spiral Dancers.

Their Pack Totem is Stag.  Stag is a symbol of strength, virility, purity, grace, and all that is good.  He leads with pride and dignity.  In mythology, his actions have led people to where they needed to be, when they needed to be there.   Stag helps his children by strengthening their will.  In return, he requires that they help his lost children, the Fae, whenever possible.

The pack members, in barking order:

Stag Heart, Joseph O'Meara, "Stag Heart". 39 years old, Male, Homid, Ahroun, Fianna, Athro.  O'Meara Pack Leader. Played by Seann Ives.  Stag Heart has led the O'Mears for several years now, and, although he seems to lead them with honor, he has done nothing to discourage the Fianna Feud.  Although he can make inspiring specches, he prefers action to words.

Mouth, James O'Meara, "Mouth of the Sidhe". 35 years old, Male, Homid, Galliard, Fianna, Adren. Played by Cameron Betts.  Mouth is a Stream of  Consciousness poet.  He simply opens his mouth, and the emotions just flow.  He uses his talents to inspire his Packmates, or to crush the will of his enemies.  He is fiercely protective of his family and Packmates.  He has recently crippled Dagda's hands.

Quiet Water, Thomas O'Meara, "Quiet Water". 28 years old, Male, Homid, Spirit Theurge, Fianna, Fostern. Played by Pete Brillinger.  Quiet Water emigrated from Ireland two years ago.  As his name suggests, he is a quiet man, and it is clear that he sees more than he tells.  He recently attempted to become Shade's Apprentice, but was shot down by the mockings of Sees Through Darkness.

Agus Ban, Gabriel Fitzpatrick, "Agus Bas in Arcadia". 21 years old, Male, Homid, Ragabash, Fianna, Fostern. Played by Jony Balboni.  A fairly typical young Ragabash, Agus Ban can often seem mocking as he questions authority, though he does not publicly question Stag Heart's orders.  Lately, he has provoked a number of scathing public arguments with Deirdre.

Sym, Andrew Byrne, "Fearless Symmetry". 21 years old, Male, Homid, Philodox, Fianna, Cliath. Played by Eric Wirtanen.  Sym has shocked the other Philodoxes by declaring that they must seek a perfect balance between the other Auspices by learning as much from them as possible, and that he would show them.   His Packmates have been aiding him by teaching him Ahroun and Ragabash Gifts.

Luna's Flood

Luna's Flood was founded about thirty years past, and control of the pack passed to Kay Deadfall about twelve years ago. The pack has become known as the pack for misfits, since Kay would accept just about anyone into the pack.  As pack leader, sometimes Kay played it fast and loose regarding the Litany.  However, the pack was very active against the Wyrm and Kay's results were acceptable to the Sept, earning her and her packmates more Renown than they lost.  After having lost Walker in battle in November and then Kay to ostracism (see the Sept of the Buried Heart bluesheet for details), the pack is in some disarray.  The pack is led for the moment by Ghostcheater, though he's not of Adren Rank yet.  What will be done about Luna's Flood is a matter of continuing discussion in the sept.

The totem that chose Luna's Flood is Owl.  Stealthy and silent, Owl is the predator who rules the night.  He sees many things and knows many secrets, but keeps his silence.  Owl lends quiet aid to his Children, often gifting them with premonitions of danger and leading them to forgotten places.

The pack members, in barking order:

Ghostcheater, Gabe Wong, "Ghostcheater".  25, Male, Homid Theurge/Spirit Uktena Fostern.  Interim pack leader of Luna's Flood.  Player:  h MacKiernan.  Ghostcheater got his name after he conned a ghost out of his revenge on the young Theurge.  He shows lots of promise, and is expected in time to exceed even Nicodemus' accomplishments.  Ghostcheater already shows skills with spirits beyond his rank, and in the material world seems to be able to do just about anything he sets his mind to.  However, since he's the interim pack leader until someone of sufficient rank can take charge he's unlikely to get much of a chance to prove his leadership skills.

Toxin, Paul Duplessis, "Toxin-Seeker" or "Tocsin", 20, Male,  Homid Philodox Child of Gaia Cliath. Player:  Nate King.  A former member of the Sept of the Salamander's Soul, Toxin only survived the fall of the caern and sept because he was visiting family that week.  When he returned to the ruin of his caern he stayed in the area and joined the Buried Heart.  Some still whisper that his tribe had a vision of what was to happen and sent him away, though Toxin has denied it.  The only Child of Gaia in Massachusetts, Toxin continues the traditions of his tribe in social work.  A volunteer at Wolf Valley, he keeps the sept informed of the progress of the Garou there. Toxin is also the only healer in the sept, using holistic medicine and the gifts of Gaia to heal those who come to him.  He's a philosophical Philodox, ready to discuss and adjust his interpretation of the Litany to fit the circumstances surrounding a given Judgement.  News of Toxin's mate Patricia and her pregancy only came out in December, Garou are still congratulating him on the news.

Michael. Michael (Mikhail) Sevenich, "Poseidon's Edge".  20, Male Homid Galliard Silver Fang Cliath.  Player: Glenn McGuire.  Michael once attempted to bring his electric guitar to a moot, but was stopped at the edge of the caern by the Guardians.  So, he set up his guitar on the bawn and began playing, which made Noah and Mouth foam at the, well, mouth.  He tends to rebel against his Silver Fang elders as well, which makes him an excellent fit for Luna's Flood.  Though he also spends time with Tear and company, Michael is not totally lost - at the last moot, he told a well-received story about his cousin Blade's defeats of two Black Spiral Dancers, each in single combat.

Red, Haemacal (Apokalyps' Daughter), 23, Female Metis Ahroun Black Fury Fostern.  Player: Katie Crum.  A Silent Strider once came to the Caern of the Buried Heart carrying a tiny mewling cub, a Metis child.  Seeks-Waves spoke briefly with Morrigan in private, and departed.  Morrigan adopted the cub, despite the potential risks to her own Renown.  It was whispered that the Strider told Morrigan that the child would fulfill a great destiny, and that she must grow to become a great terrible warrior.  Perhaps as a mark of this, her ragged black coat would not grow in a patch upon her back that forms a large sigil of the double-headed axe.  Red earned her name at the age of thirteen and fought at the side of her adoptive mother among the other Black Furies of the Sisters of the Silver Flame pack.  Despite being mentally retarded and socially maladjusted, Red was (and is) an incredibly talented Ahroun, earning admiration and envy.  Red rose in Renown and Rank faster than any Garou in the Sept had for many years, achieving the rank of Adren by the age of twenty.  It all ended with the loss of the Klaive of the Medusa's Gaze and her  pack, and her Adren rank, though she never speaks of it.  After that fall, she was accepted into Luna's Flood and has done well, enough so that some say she should be an Adren again.

Kay, Kay Gogisgi, "Kay Deadfall", 38, Female.  Homid Ragabash Uktena Athro.  Ostracized.   When she was young, Kay had a habit of hiding in trees to get away from pack and sept duties.  She'd eventually fall asleep in the trees and either be found later or show up, bleary-eyed.  One day, she was asleep and fell out of the tree, right into a pack of fomori.  She managed to kill several, and although she did not get any Renown for the incident she did get a name for it.  Over time, Kay came to lead Luna's Flood, at times somewhat irresponsibly.  Kay was ostracized in November for letting Walker die.  She left the sept and her pack the next day and hasn't been seen since.

Walker, Peter Thurmann, "Son of Walker".  17, Male, Homid Ahroun Silver Fang Cliath.  Deceased.  Walker was almost surely the reincarnation of Walker of the Steppes, a renowned Silver Fang from Russia in ages past.  He was one of the most popular Garou in the sept, until he died in November while on a scouting mission with his pack.  His mother, Justine, committed suicide soon after.

The Sisters of the Silver Flame

This pack of Black Furies was one of the strongest in the Sept until it's destruction two years ago (see the Sept of the Buried Heart bluesheet).  Except for one lone member - Red, now of Luna's Flood - all of the Garou in this pack are dead or missing.  Their territory has been partially taken over by the Shadow Lords, partially Black Spiral Dancers.

The pack totem was Pegasus, a noble winged horse who embodies the pure rage of the Wyld and the spirit of the Wyld flying free.  Pegasus is concerned chiefly with sacred places, ever seeking to protect them.

The pack, in barking order, was:

Morrigan, Mayve, "Morrigan" 42, Female.  Homid Ahroun Black Fury Regio.  Former Ahroun Elder, former Black Fury Elder, former Pack Leader.  Deceased.  The strongest warrior of the past century in the Buried Heart, Morrigan wielded the Klaive of Medusa's Gaze and was a terror to her enemies and her friends.  Morrigan apparently went mad and died when she attacked the vampires of Worcester.

Silvered Mind, Jane Konstantikos, "Silvered Mind" 38, Female.  Homid Philodox Black Fury Athro.  Former Master of the Challenge, former Black Fury Elder, former Pack Leader.  Missing.  Silvered Mind was a quiet judge, ensuring that all received the proper attention.  She went missing with the rest of her pack when they went to make amends with Pegasus.

Red - see Luna's Flood for details.

Dancer, Sarah May, "Dancer in Age's Dust" 26, Female.  Homid Theurge/Spirit Black Fury Fostern.  Deceased.  Dancer died at the hands of Black Spiral Dancers when the Sisters went to recover the Klaive from them.

Wyvern, Athena Cylos, "Wyvern's Song", 29, Female.  Homid Galliard Black Fury Fostern.  Missing.  Though slow to become used to the ways of Garou, Wyvern was beginning to show her strong heritage when she went missing with her pack.

Mantichoras, Gina Demetry, "Mantichoras", 23, Female.  Homid Theurge/Umbral Black Fury Fostern.  Missing.  Almost more Ahroun than Theurges, it was Mantichoras who offended Pegasus prior to going missing with her pack.

Eyes, Arachne Phillips, "Eyes of White Stones", 20, Female.  Homid Ragabash Black Fury Cliath.  Missing.  An Umbral Piercer, Eyes was skilled at finding her way in and out of trouble.  She went missing with her pack.

Who's Who in the Sept of the Zephyr's Mind

The Pack of the Whispering Tree

The oldest Glass Walker pack in the Sept, with honor stretching back over a century.  They are the keepers of the Caern.  The pack has traditionally been composed of only Glass Walkers.  Their pack leader, Binder of the Silver Thread, is also the Leader of the Sept.

The have taken as their totem spirit the caern spirit himself, Aeolian of the Zephyrs.  He is a subtle spirit, and one whose advice must be asked for. He likes to speak in whispers and riddles, and from long practice his pack has become quite talented at decoding such enigmatic communications.

The pack members, in barking order:

Binder, Anthony deGerentis, "Binder of the Silver Thread", 65 Male, Homid, Glass Walker, Theurge/Spirit, Regio. Sept Leader, Elder of the Glass Walkers, Master of the Rite, Pack Leader Played by Jim White.  Binder of the Silver Thread is the eldest Glass Walker, and has led this Sept in his wise and cautious way for the past several decades.  Even with the ignominy of his Metis child, the Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers stood behind Binder when the Shadow Lord Thundercaller  challenged him.  He is egalitarian in his approach towards governance.

Talon, Mark deGerentis, "Steeled Talon", age 51 Male, Homid, Glass Walker, Ahroun, Athro.  Warder of the Caern, Elder of the Ahroun. Played by Scott Gray. An impressive and quiet figure, Steeled Talon follows his elder brother Binder of the Silver Thread in almost all things.  In battle he is a raw force of the Wyld, his fur  becoming like steel, a gift from a spirit that Talon will not disclose.

Talianth, Talianth Jigdral, "Talianth of the Dreaming Stave", age 33 Male, Homid, Stargazer, Ahroun, Adren. Elder of the Stargazers. Played by J Bendonis. Talianth is a Stargazer, and a stranger in this land, having arrived two years ago from a long trip from Tibet all the way across Europe, to Ireland, and finally to here. When he arrived, Steeled Talon challenged him to combat to determine if he deserved the rank of Adren within this Sept.  Steeled Talon defeated him, but was impressed enough by his skills that he could retain the rank of Adren.  Talianth is a focused Garou, who is known to arise every morning to practice the art of Kalindo, a Garou martial art.  He carries a stave that appears to never leave his hand.

Dennis, Dennis Hersons, "Blue Danger", age 27 Male, Homid, Glass Walker, Ragabash, Fostern. Played by Mike Caprio. A near-perpetual student at Northeastern, Dennis is still deciding how he wants to apply the Gifts he has discovered in himself.  He tends to be unfocused in his thoughts and plans, moving from moment to moment.  His bright smile and ready laugh make him a hard man to be mad at for long, which is certainly a good trait for a Ragabash.  He likes to speed recklessly around town on his bright blue Kawasaki motorcycle, which is how he earned his name.

Meg, Dr. Meg Mitchell, "Boneweaver", age 28 Female, Homid, Glass Walker, Philodox, Cliath. Played by Amy Reed. Boneweaver was late to her First Change, only having joined the Sept last March after a traumatic run-in with BSDs, and is still adapting to her new world.  She has been found to be a healer of great ability, combining Gaia's gifts with modern medicine.  As a young Philodox, she has not yet been tested.

The Charles River Walkers

Formed by Bringer of Weaver's Night in 1973, the Charles River Walkers were originally focused on efforts to clean up and protect the Charles River. Numerous running battles with fomori and Wyrm-tainted corporations have ended with Garou success.  Now political and social pressures favor the cleaning of the Charles. Since this victory, the pack has lost its focus, and has become more of a group of individuals, fighting battles as them come.  The Charles is still their primary territory, expanding out towards Newton, and then into the more central suburbs.

The Walkers have been adopted by Seal.  Seal once played in the waters of the Charles, and was happy to find that someone wanted to make it possible for his children to play there again.  He recommended the Initiation that each member of the pack must undergo: to swim a length of the Charles to the ocean.  By the end of the initiation, each new pack member finds that Seal has gifted them with remarkable ability to swim dexterously in the cold waters.

The pack members, in barking order:

Bringer, Michael Armstrong, "Bringer of Weaver's Night", age 54 Male, Homid, Glass Walker, Theurge/Spirits, Regio. Elder of the Theurges, Pack Leader. Played by Jeff Diewald.  As a young Garou, Bringer engineered the great New England power outage of 1963 to cover the grand assault upon a Wyrm-controlled industrial center. He has been instrumental in the political machinations that lead to the Boston Harbor Cleanup and many initiatives for the Charles and other rivers. Bringer is the most influential Garou in Massachusetts when it comes to the affairs of Man.

Sirius Sarah, Sarah Armstrong, "Sirius Thought", age 39 Female, Homid, Glass Walker, Ragabash, Athro. Elder of the Ragabash. Played by Rachel Mello. A Riddle Master Extraordinaire, Sirius Sarah has a tendency to speak plainly on most unimportant things, but gives counsel on serious matters in the form of riddles.  This usually infuriates people in the short term, but if they think about it, they are much enlightened in the long term.

Threads, Darren Davenport, "Finder of Lost Threads", age 29 Male, Homid, Glass Walker, Theurge/Umbral, Adren. Played by Mark Luchini. Threads is an up and coming Theurge, who has a demonstrated mastery of the ability to penetrate and move through the Gauntlet of the Weaver.  He is also quite expert with computer security, seeing network defenses as yet another barrier to be breached.  He is aggressive and confident.

Tattoo, Susanna deGerentis, "Tattoo of Rage", age 27 Female, Metis, Glass Walker, Galliard, Fostern.  Played by Christina White.  She is a rebel and an Urban Primitive.  Her very birth is a rebellion against the Litany, being the Metis child of Binder of the Silver Thread. She expresses her Galliard nature through tattoos.  As she regenerates, she gains a new canvas that she can work her art upon.  The tattoos also draw attention away from her deformed face that is the price that she has paid for her Metis birth.

Moontrancer, Christina Forswaithe, "Moontrancer", age 23 Female, Homid, Glass Walker, Galliard, Fostern. Played by Tara Halwes. Christina walks a fine line with her more traditional Sept-mates between respect and disrespect.  Her electronic music was once declared "an abomination" by the Shadow Lord Galliard Howls-at-Midnight, who smashed her keyboard after her first attempt at a performance during a moot.  He moodily declaims the encroachment of this Weaver-noise whenever her name is mentioned or vaguely alluded to.  She has become one of the experts on vampires, having watched them and dealt with them during the disastrous contact that had been made with them in the 1994-1995 Worcester Mission.

The Pack of the Steel Moon

The Steel Moons has always been led by the Shadow Lords after having been founded by Thundercaller (its first Leader) and the two Vaskina brothers. The Steel Moon pack has refused to back down from challenges, and this has won them some amazing victories over the Wyrm.  It has also cost them some great warriors.  The past few years, the pack has paid a terrible price.

The Totem of the Steel Moons is Eagle. He watches from afar, noting changes, and warning his children of possible dangers. To aid them, he teaches his children his alertness, and demands honor from them.  Thundercaller named his son in honour of the eagle, with pride in knowing that he could live up to such standards.

The pack, in barking order:

Arany (Pietr Brushevnitz) "Arany Sas (Eyes of the Golden Eagle)", age 39 Male, Homid, Shadow Lord, Philodox, Adren.  Master of the Challenge, Elder of the Shadow Lords, Pack Leader.  Played by Matt Adwin.  Arany Sas is the strong leader of the Steel Moons, like his father Thundercaller before him who founded the pack.  But he has inherited leadership of a pack that has been cut down from a powerful force to a small band, after the triumphant but deadly Battle of Beacon Hill in 1997.  But Arany Sas has displayed a cool and keen mind, capable of swift and final judgement.  If anyone can bring the Shadow Lords back from the brink, it is he.

Ursula, Ursula Vaskina, "Thundering Lioness", age 38 Female, Homid, Shadow Lord, Ahroun, Fostern.  Played by Sharon Tripp.  Ursula is a proud and strong warrior, whose heart has been rent asunder by the recent death of her young son, Mikhail.  Her mood tends to swing from deep despair to burning anger.  She is a strong force in the hunt of the Wyrm, having no mercy in its servants.  She also has been busy in the affairs of an important and influential company that was once an ally of the Garou: Artemis, Inc.

Titania, Titania Brushevnitz, "Laughing Thunder", age 28 Female, Homid, Shadow Lord, Ragabash, Fostern.  Played by Katie Horning.  In comparison to her packmates, Titania is a beacon of laughter and light. The younger sister of Arany Sas, she is quite capable of poking him with gentle jabs, but she reserves her more wicked barbs for the opponents of her pack and tribe.

Thundercaller, Andrey Brushevnitz, "Thundercaller" Male, Homid, Shadow Lord, Philodox, Regio. Former Shadow Lord Elder and Pack Leader.  Deceased.
Died in the Battle of Beacon Hill in 1997.

Luna's Sword, Sergei Vaskina, "Luna's Sword" Male, Homid, Shadow Lord, Theurge/Spirit, Athro. Deceased. Died in the Battle of Beacon Hill in 1997.

Alexi, Alexi Vaskina, "Bear's Fury" Male, Homid, Shadow Lord, Ahroun, Regio.  Former Elder of the Ahroun and Guardian of the Caern.  Deceased.
Died in the Battle of Beacon Hill in 1997.

Geargrinder, Joseph Arnold, "Geargrinder" Male, Homid, Glass Walker, Theurge/Spirit, Fostern.  Deceased.  Died in Battle of Beacon Hill in 1997, only non-Shadow Lord member of the Steel Moons ever.

Howls at Midnight, Vaskina, "Howls at Midnight" Male, Homid, Shadow Lord, Galliard, Athro. Former Elder of the Galliards, Elder of the Shadow Lords, Pack Leader.  Deceased.  Slain in an ambush by the ghouls of vampires in 1999, probably in a last retribution for the Battle of Beacon Hill.

The Pack of the Open Hearth

This pack is based in the southern end of Boston, and is active in work with the street society and its problems.  The Pack of the Open Hearth is more active on the education and relations level than on the combat and intimidation level.  They are not as concerned with actively fighting or controlling gangs, for instance, as they are with making sure that everybody eats.  They are led by the indomitable will of Grandmomma Peters.

The pack breaks with all traditional Garou in asking Jesus of Nazareth to be their totem spirit. Each prospective pack member must be baptized and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior before the entire pack.  This has put them at odds with some other Garou on a fundamental level.

Grandmomma, Grandmomma Peters, age unknown.  Female, Homid, Bone Gnawer, Philodox, Regio.  Elder of the Philodox, Elder of the Bone Gnawers, Den Mother, Pack Leader Played by Lisa Patacchiola.  There is no Garou alive today in the Sept who can remember a time when Grandmomma was not there.  She has always been a vigorous and strong voice of leadership, with compassion for Garou and human alike.  She is the heart and soul of the Bone Gnawers in Boston, filled with a devotion to Gaia and Jesus that is palpable.  This is the kind of woman that you find yourself always saying "Please" and "Yes Ma'am" to without even being conscious of it (which only angers her opponents more).

Poppa (or Word), Peter Jordan, "Lost Word Found", age 70ish Male, Homid, Bone Gnawer, Galliard, Adren. Elder of the Galliards. Played by Tom Russell
Lost Word Found is an old fixture in the Sept.  He and Grandmomma have both been here for an anonymously long time, and though it seems that he is younger than she, he has borne more of the weight of age.  There is a quick and joyous mind in that old body, even if he seems to be getting a bit absent-minded at times.

Phreaky Phun, Chris Garyson, "Phreaky Phun", age 24 Male, Homid, Glass Walker, Ragabash, Fostern. Played by Eric Patacchiola.  ...is an oddity in the pack, an unabashed Glass Walker Ragabash who just has far more fun with the Bone Gnawers than any of the other tribes he's met. He's young, and gets in only barely less trouble than his packmates can get him out of.  However, on the up side, contributions to Grandmomma's soup kitchen doubled after he showed up and got on-line.  Fleet Bank now makes regular and generous donations to the cause, and the police get very useful anonymous faxes concerning the local underworld.  He's got a nice apartment downtown and several cellular lines (none of which in his name), and thus qualifies as the most respectable member of the pack as far as the rest of
the world is concerned.

Malcolm, Malcolm Peters, "Deepwalker", age 19 Male, Metis, Bone Gnawer, Theurge/Umbral, Fostern.  Played by Jeff Ogorzalek.  Cast off from society twice over: as a Metis and as a Bone Gnawer, but none can deny his natural gift for the Umbra.  But it is not a pleasant refuge, and it is well known that his one long journey into the Deep Umbra cost him the lives of all of his companions.  He returned in time to lost yet more friends into the ill-fated Worcester Mission.  It's easy to see why some wonder if the child is a jinx.

Strange Math, Eddie Peters, "Strange Math", late twenties Male, Homid, Bone Gnawer, Ragabash, Cliath.  Played by Jesse Perry.   Strange Math is a newcomer to the Sept, having been adopted into the Pack of the Open Hearth only this fall.  He was a lost cub, taken in by Grandmomma and legally adopted as her ward.  He has shown a quick wit, and as fast become a close friend of Phreaky Phun.

Francis, Francis Kelly, "Tears through Kevlar" Male, Homid, Bone Gnawer, Ahroun, Cub. Departed the Sept.  An abandoned cub, Francis had been found by Tattoo and brought to the Sept. He became caught in a vicious argument between Tatoo and Grandmomma over the Open Hearth's practices of baptizing their cubs into the Christian faith, and in anger and disgust quit the Sept and has not been seen since.

Josiah, Josiah Vance, "Tomewalker" Male, Homid, Bone Gnawer, Theurge/Spirit, Fostern. Deceased. Died in the Worcester Mission of 1995 at the hands of Black Spiral Dancers.

Elly, Elly, "Divider of the Taint" Female, Homid, Bone Gnawer, Ahroun, Fostern.  Deceased.  Was slain in 1996 in Worcester by Black Spiral Dancers.

Who's Who by Auspice

Alive and present Garou only, in rough order of Rank.  If you want a specific barking order, then establish it yourself.

[Meta-note:  Since the Garou have a good idea of who has done what and where they stand relative to one another, all the Garou have an idea of where they are relative to their Rank.  The letter at the end of each name gives a rough idea of how much Renown is required before the Garou can Challenge for the next rank. An "A" means that the Garou has sufficient Renown to challenge for the rank, but either has not Challenged or cannot Challenge.  A "B" means that if the Garou does very well in gaining (and not losing) Renown of the right sort (read the Renown and Rank bluesheet for details) he could Challenge by the third or fourth game session, possibly the second if he did extremely well.  A "C" means that if the Garou does really well in gaining Renown he could Challenge by the fourth or fifth game session.  An "NR" means that the Garou cannot gain enough Renown to rise in rank by the end of the game.  Because of the larger amounts of Renown required for higher rank, Garou who start out at the game with a higher rank will be less likely to gain in rank.  It should also be noted that Renown can be awarded posthumously, more than one Garou in history has gained in Rank this way.]


Stonefang,  Besh-A-Woh (Fangs of Stone) - C
Talon, Mark deGerentis, "Steeled Talon" - B
Stag Heart, Joseph O'Meara, "Stag Heart" - C
Blade, Peter Bruce, "Old Blade, Young Heart" - C
Talianth, Talianth Jigdral, "Talianth of the Dreaming Stave" - B
Ferdiad, Patrick Rourke, "Ferdiad's Fist" - B
Ursula, Ursula Vaskina, "Thundering Lioness" - C
Cassandra, Cassandra Kuzeja, "Raven-on-Green" - A
Cassidy, Cassidy Kuzeja, "Rage-Breaks-Rock" - A
Red, Haemacal (Apokalyps' Daughter) - A
Black, Dubh-ceo (Black Fog) - B
Laughs, Dunstan MacKinnon, "Laughs In Hell" - C


Noah, Noah James, "Heart Makes Words" - NR
Poppa (or Word), Peter Jordan, "Lost Word Found" - B
Mouth, James O'Meara, "Mouth of the Sidhe" - C
Dagda, Dunstan McKinney, "The Dagda's Hands" - B
Moontrancer, Christina Forswaithe, "Moontrancer" - B
Michael. Michael (Mikhail) Sevenich, "Poseidon's Edge" - B
Tattoo, Susanna deGerentis, "Tattoo of Rage" - NR
Jorg, Jorg Kuzeja, "Speaks-with-Mountain" - B


The Hunter, Sarah Witham, "Hunter" - NR
Arany (Pietr Brushevnitz) "Arany Sas (Eyes of the Golden Eagle)" - A
Alex, Alex Garrity, "Witness to Ruin" - B
Emerson, Emerson Hall, "Will-of-Oak" - B
Deirdre, Deirdre MacKinnon, "Deirdre of the Second Question" - A
Sym, Andrew Byrne, "Fearless Symmetry" - A
Toxin, Paul Duplessis, "Toxin-Seeker" or "Tocsin"
Meg, Dr. Meg Mitchell, "Boneweaver" - B


Binder, Anthony deGerentis, "Binder of the Silver Thread" - NR
Bringer, Michael Armstrong, "Bringer of Weaver's Night" - NR
Nicodemus, Nicodemus Kuzeja, "Breath-of-Storm" - C
Mist - NR
Shade, Be-Ki-Asz-Jole-Be-Toh (Shade of the Oak) - B
Threads, Darren Davenport, "Finder of Lost Threads" - B
Ghostcheater, Gabe Wong, "Ghostcheater" - B
Quiet Water, Thomas O'Meara, "Quiet Water" - B
Malcolm, Malcolm Peters, "Deepwalker" - B
Foundling, Arianna Richards, "Foundling" - B


Grandmomma, Grandmomma Peters - NR
Sees, Michael MacKinnon, "Sees Through Darkness" - NR
Sirius Sarah, Sarah Armstrong, "Sirius Thought" - C
Simon, Simon Treehorn, "Whispers-to-the-Tree" - C
Titania, Titania Brushevnitz, "Laughing Thunder" - B
Tear (pronounced TEER), Christopher Sforza, "Tears of Fury"
Dennis, Dennis Hersons, "Blue Danger" - B
Phreaky Phun, Chris Garyson, "Phreaky Phun" - A
Agus Ban, Gabriel Fitzpatrick, "Agus Ban in Arcadia" - A
Strange Math, Eddie Peters, "Strange Math" - B

Who's Who by Tribe

Alive and present Garou only, in rough order of Rank.  If you want a specific barking order, then establish it yourself.

Silver Fangs

The Hunter, Sarah Witham, "Hunter"
Simon, Simon Treehorn, "Whispers-to-the-Tree"
Blade, Peter Bruce, "Old Blade, Young Heart"
Michael. Michael (Mikhail) Sevenich, "Poseidon's Edge"

Shadow Lords

Nicodemus, Nicodemus Kuzeja, "Breath-of-Storm"
Arany (Pietr Brushevnitz) "Arany Sas (Eyes of the Golden Eagle)"
Ursula, Ursula Vaskina, "Thundering Lioness"
Titania, Titania Brushevnitz, "Laughing Thunder"
Cassandra, Cassandra Kuzeja, "Raven-on-Green"
Cassidy, Cassidy Kuzeja, "Rage-Breaks-Rock"
Emerson, Emerson Hall, "Will-of-Oak"
Foundling, Arianna Richards, "Foundling"
Jorg, Jorg Kuzeja, "Speaks-with-Mountain"


Noah, Noah James, "Heart Makes Words"
Stonefang,  Besh-A-Woh (Fangs of Stone)
Shade, Be-Ki-Asz-Jole-Be-Toh (Shade of the Oak)
Ghostcheater, Gabe Wong, "Ghostcheater"
Tear (pronounced TEER), Christopher Sforza, "Tears of Fury"


Sees, Michael MacKinnon, "Sees Through Darkness"
Stag Heart, Joseph O'Meara, "Stag Heart"
Ferdiad, Patrick Rourke, "Ferdiad's Fist"
Mouth, James O'Meara, "Mouth of the Sidhe"
Alex, Alex Garrity, "Witness to Ruin"
Dagda, Dunstan McKinney, "The Dagda's Hands"
Quiet Water, Thomas O'Meara, "Quiet Water"
Black, Dubh-ceo (Black Fog)
Laughs, Dunstan MacKinnon, "Laughs In Hell"
Agus Ban, Gabriel Fitzpatrick, "Agus Ban in Arcadia"
Deirdre, Deirdre MacKinnon, "Deirdre of the Second Question"
Sym, Andrew Byrne, "Fearless Symmetry"

Glass Walkers

Binder, Anthony deGerentis, "Binder of the Silver Thread"
Bringer, Michael Armstrong, "Bringer of Weaver's Night"
Talon, Mark deGerentis, "Steeled Talon"
Sirius Sarah, Sarah Armstrong, "Sirius Thought"
Threads, Darren Davenport, "Finder of Lost Threads"
Moontrancer, Christina Forswaithe, "Moontrancer"
Dennis, Dennis Hersons, "Blue Danger"
Phreaky Phun, Chris Garyson, "Phreaky Phun"
Meg, Dr. Meg Mitchell, "Boneweaver"
Tattoo, Susanna deGerentis, "Tattoo of Rage"

Bone Gnawers

Grandmomma, Grandmomma Peters
Poppa (or Word), Peter Jordan, "Lost Word Found"
Malcolm, Malcolm Peters, "Deepwalker"
Strange Math, Eddie Peters, "Strange Math"

Children of Gaia

Toxin, Paul Duplessis, "Toxin-Seeker" or "Tocsin"

Star Gazers

Talianth, Talianth Jigdral, "Talianth of the Dreaming Stave"

Black Furies

Red, Haemacal (Apokalyps' Daughter)

Who's Who by Breed

Alive and present Garou only, in rough order of Rank.  If you want a specific barking order, then establish it yourself.


Black, Dubh-ceo (Black Fog)


Red, Haemacal (Apokalyps' Daughter)
Tattoo, Susanna deGerentis, "Tattoo of Rage"
Malcolm, Malcolm Peters, "Deepwalker"
Jorg, Jorg Kuzeja, "Speaks-with-Mountain"


All other Garou are homid.