Schedule infomation for Embers, a Werewolf: the Apocalypse game
Game Venue and Schedule
The game dates are on Saturday afternoons from 2pm until the evening in the winter/spring of 2000, with the possible exception of the final episode which we are considering running over the entire weekend.
The scheduled game session dates in 2000 are expected to be (although until the venue has been confirmed, this is subject to change):
We expect to hold 4 playtests between September and early December and they are designed to test various systems and narration styles before actually getting the game underway. They also provide potential players with a way to familiarize themselves with the intended game systems before actually playing them in a run-time situation. And as an extra bonus incentive, we will also use the playtests as an opportunity to reveal various historical and cultural aspects of the forthcoming game sessions.
The playtests are scheduled as follows:
Please feel free to contact us if you'd like to get involved.