In file code/C/optable_net1.H:
class GOperatorTable : public GObject
This knows about all operators and types and can create them based on enums
public members:
int GetNumOperators()
- Returns number of known operators
int GetNumChildren( oper_enum op)
- Returns number of children, -1 if bad operator
char *GetName( oper_enum op)
- Returns name of operator
type_enum GetChildType( oper_enum op, int child_id)
- Returns required child type
type_enum GetType( oper_enum op)
- Returns the type enumeration value
int CondType( oper_enum op)
- Returns 1 if a conditional 0 otherwise, -1 if bad operator
private members:
static int num_children[NUM_OPERATORS]
- Table containing information about the number of children
static type_enum types[NUM_OPERATORS][MAX_CHILDREN+1]
- Table containing information about the child types
static char *names[NUM_OPERATORS]
- The names of the operators
static int cond_type[NUM_OPERATORS]
- Table associating operator name with conditionality
public members:
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, GObject &)
This class contains all of the information about the
operators. If is is necessary to change the operators then the
enumeration oper_enum and NUM_OPERATORS need to be
changed, then the tables in this class need to be updated to reflect
the new operator mix. Finally the functionality needs to be changed
in the model.
this class has no child classes.
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
this page has been generated automatically by doc++
(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling