Here is what people have had to say about anything they've wanted to. I appreciate anyone adding more entries. Remember, you may need to reload the screen if you've looked at this page before. Thanks!
Chris, who has no idea who I am and hails from Pensacola Florida (originally Joplin, MO), writes:
If anyone on this site knows how to get in contact with Aimee Gruenewald (who posted a comment in this guestbook), please contact me by e-mail. She is my sister who I have never met, & might not even know it!!!

March 22, 1984

19 05, 191965
jan, a student from ger, writes:
nice page

Abas, from Nigeria, writes:
Nice site Mugu Mugu

Feb 22, 1973

Feb 17, 1972
Botchis, a friend from Vernon,CT; University Park, PA; State College, PA; Wallingford, CT; Alpharetta, GA; Bedford, MA., writes:
Pet Shop Boys?!?!?!?!? I knew I should have destroyed that CD 15 years ago. If you want to get together for a game of wiffle ball let me know - I'm in Bedford now. Should be meeting with Rheaume sometime soon. Be good, and say hi to your Ma for me.

Nob, who has no idea who I am and hails from Hiroshima japan, writes:
I'm japanese. I live in Hiroshima of Japan. I am making music. The music which I make can be listened to by my HP. An English menu is "ENG". Other URL of my music, muzie(japanese only. no charge.) players server(My artistname is "FUTURE SYMPHONIC".An audition is no charge.)

Dec 15, 1970

Jan 27, 191986
Mary , a student from Wisconsin, writes:
I am doing a project in class, well I should say an essay, on Phlogiston and I still have no idea what it is! My teacher said that it was whatever the burning of wood gave off as in chemicals or metal or compund whatever. But I don't get it, could you emai me some info or maybe email me some links to some great websites. Danke, Welche staasbugerschaft haben Sie? If you know what I wrote in that last sentence please answer. Ich bin ein scwartz staatsburger. Sncerely: a confused student.

holly, who has no idea who I am and hails from usa/uk, writes:
I jst wanted to say thanks for translating the rules! my friend has them roughly translated and is frustrated that we can't play-now we can thanks.... Holly

April 12, 191979

17 05, 1975
Jirka Rozehnal, who has no idea who I am and hails from Czech Rep., writes:
Hi body, I would like to ask You about the counts of additional components of Seafahrers. I Play only Siedler and I would like to make other components to play Seafahrers. It is impossible to buy this game here (Czech Rep.), that is why I am looking for it on the web. Thanks, Jirka

Johanna Horsch, who has no idea who I am and hails from Las Vegas, writes:
Thanks for having the english translation available online!

April 07, 1972

Dec 28, 1982
Aimee Gruenewald, who has no idea who I am and hails from I live in Greenfield, MO but I claim Neosho,MO as my home town., writes:
If anybody by the name of Gale Carey gets on here, that has ever lived in Joplin please find me you are my dad. Are you a Gale who knew a Heather Flading around 1980-82? Find me!! Mr. Kristoff, what does this have to do with phlogiston? I have a paper due on it next week for my Thanx.

Aimee , who has no idea who I am and hails from Greenfield, MO, writes:
This has nothing at all to do with the theory of phlogiston. Thanks for the useless information that I was hoping I could use for my Chemistry paper.

Dec 28, 1982

Nov 11, 1969
ed, who has no idea who I am and hails from MA, writes:
phlogiston will never die

the ralpy, a friend from your fat, writes:
i think this is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very silllly

36 28, 198584

July 01, 1974
flY, a student from Salzburg/Austria, writes:
Nice site so far, but (when) are you going to make another update ?

Megan, a student from Acton Mass, writes:
Hey Mr. Kristoff How's it going? Remember me? I am at Saint Michael's College in Vermont this year.

Jan 16, 1981

March 09, 1968
Mia Ruiz-Salvador, from Portland, Maine, writes:
Hi Eric...I finally have email access from work and I thought I'd check out yer website, and Ruth's. I liked the photo's, couldn't check out the music (cause I'm at work), and found the Bermuda info sites pretty interesting (the Italy-Sweden one didn't come up, though). I'm lost on the chemistry stuff, but then science/math was never my forte. I hope you and Sue are doing well? I received a photo from Sherry of baby Kyle. I sent him some cool little Maine "lobstah" socks I couldn't pass up. Take care, Mia

Amy, a relative from Vermont, writes:
hey eric! stumbled across your page and thought i would send you a hello! cool page and information! hope things are going well!:)

Sept 27, 1979

82 02, 1924
Peter Westman, who has no idea who I am and hails from Stckholm, Sweden, writes:
Hi, Im looking for the English rules for the "Städte und Ritter" expansion, does anybody know where they are?

corny, who has no idea who I am and hails from berlin, deutschland, writes:
i don't know who you are! but if you are a "siedler" you are my friend!

March 04, 1979

, 19
William Gates, a co-worker from Heaven, writes:
Microsoft sucks!!! -

Derek E. Hansen, a student from Mansfield, writes:
My mind is lost, and I'm lost in my mind. Would somebody pass the cheese?

Jan 30, 1980

Nov 16, 1979
Kelly, a student from Mansfield, MA, writes:
Hi Mr. Kristoff, rememeber me? I am in Rochester now at RIT..and I still like your page! Kelly

Christoph Meinel, who has no idea who I am and hails from Bamberg, Germany, writes:
Hello this is Chris! I`ve got a question to tell: For I am playing "Die Sielder" with 5 other persons, I am thinking of some variations. I own 2 basis sets, 1 "Seefahrer"-set, 1 "Staedte und Ritter"-set and all extra sets that are needed for 6 players. Now my question: If I do use all the material of these sets, how can I avoid a real "flood" of raw materials??? I would be grateful for every little tip. My email: Till then!

May 06, 1977

00606 27, 1980
bill gilpatric, a student from framingham, ma, writes:
hey Mr. kristoff, whats going on? I go to middlesucks commie college now. How are you? I like that funny "say it to the world" sample. oh well....bye

UA, from I'm from "Away", writes:
Why do you ask such hard questions??

Aug 03, 1938

July 1, 1972
Heather, a friend from Newton Mass, writes:
Just wanted to let you know my home page has moved. How are you doing?

John Gordon, who has no idea who I am and hails from Urbana, IL, writes:
Your English translation of the Seafarer's rules were a lifesaver! We bought the set, and then discovered that the English rules were missing from the box. It would have been a long and boring Saturday afternoon without your help.

May 10, 1968

Dec 10, 1980
Greg Pavlock, a student from Acton,Mass, writes:
Hello Mr.Kristoff your web page is pretty cool. I like the picture of you with the bunnies.

hank swindell, a relative from punta gorda florida, writes:
Hi Eric I've heard a lot about you for several years from your mother, Ruth. She was here in Punta Gorda visiting my wife (Merlyn Moore) and left yesterday for San Antonio to see the new grandchild. Before she left Ruth gave me the website address to see her gallery. You done a great job in setting it up for her! So I thought I would check out your site and say "hello" Take care - maybe we will meet in person someday Best regards Hank Swindell

Dec 03, 1923

14 09, 1951
Joaquim Roca, who has no idea who I am and hails from I live in Spain(Europe), writes:
This Home Page for the fans of the Settlers of Catan,Die Seefahrer, Stadle& Ritter,etc..are fabulous,continue this road. Best regards, Joaquim(Spanish Settlman)

Bill Gilpatric, a student from Maynard, writes:
Hello. You have an interesting home page(s). See you in school i suppose. bye.

June 27, 1980
none none

Aug 4, 191965
Marvin Kristoff, a relative from Prince Rupert, British Columbia, writes:
Just trying to trace my roots.

Nicholas Haegeli, who has no idea who I am and hails from Strasbourg, France, writes:
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37-38

Sept 24, 1979

Dec 17, 1979
Jen Gray, a student from Maynard, Mass, writes:

Joseph A. Wetherell, who has no idea who I am and hails from Mechanicsburg PA, writes:
You have a very well constructed webpage!!!

March 20, 1936

May 19, 1966
The Maus, a friend from New York, writes:
My impression, before playing, is that Seafarers is kinda lame. How about a review or two? Thanks for the translations. Also, I just picked up the card game and it is pretty cool... And I don't really know you. But hey...

Mark Jacobsen, who has no idea who I am and hails from Austin, TX, writes:
I must say, you're dedicated. Maybe, obsessed is a better word. Good job by the way!

May 21, 1970

Nov 09, 1972
xine, a friend from Pittsburgh, PA, writes:
Re: Your Seefarer page- You are "die" man. (I also think that you have too much free time.)

Sue, a friend from Hudson, writes:
Way to spread Die Siedler among the everyone else will be corrupted..... (!) :)

Aug 20, 1973

1111 16, 1979
Kelly, a student from Mansfield Mass, writes:
hi Mr. Kristoff!!! Just wanted to say hi, everyone else says hi too...Your page is cool! ;-) http://forget the address!!

Joe K, a friend from Marlboro, MA, writes:
There's no way Heather makes an appearance and I'll be left out.

Nov 23, 1972

Feb 5, 1975
Julie, a relative from CT, writes:
Very nifty site. Thanks for the cameo on the main page. I'll return the favor someday...

Jabba, who has no idea who I am and hails from The rainforests of Central America, writes:
Go ahead...try to grab my tongue!

Oct 16, 1989
http://Where the broccoli is!

March 06, 1965
Ken Carlson, a relative from Vernon, CT, writes:
Your new 'Music Section' is looking AWESOME!

Vincent Kudirka, a student from Acton, where else?, writes:
I think you should give your 3,4 period class all an A for the year. That would be easier on everyone.

April 11, 1979
I just changed (??) http://not cool enough to have a page

Feb 20, 1979
your physics class, a student from Acton, writes:
It's been a great year, huh?

Ken Carlson, a relative from Vernon, CT, writes:
Just wanted to thank you for all your computer help!

March 06, 1965

April 16, 1979
Brendan Hartwell, a student from Boxborough, MA, writes:
Do you think I can ever have a beard like yours?

ruth, a relative from vernon,ct, writes:
i recommend you highly. you are a web page wonder!!!!!

May 28, 1949

Sept 18, 1946
Dadeo, a relative from Vernon/Rockville 06066, writes:
Looks great - keep up the good work!!!!

Sue MacPherson, a friend from Hudson, writes:
Hi Eric,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your web page is cool,
Now go eat some spoo!

Aug 20, 1973

July 29, 1972
Bob Rouleau, a friend from Rhode Daalind, writes:

Heather Greene, a friend from Newton, Vernon, Marblehead, writes:
Hey, congrats, it works.

July 01, 1972