Emacs HTML Mode Hotkeys
For each command I will show the command and then in the next column I
will put the result with an asterisk (*) replacing the final location
of the cursor. If you are prompted for more information in the
mini-buffer I will mark the location of the information with a hash
(#), and if two pieces are needed I shall mark it with a second hash
Normal Commands:
C-c a * Address block
C-c b Blockquote
C-c C-b * Bold
C-c c *
Code block
C-c C-c * Citation
C-c d Description list
- *
C-c e Desc. List Entry
C-c C-e * Add emphasised
C-c C-f * Fixed font
C-c g
* Embedded Image
C-c h ## Header
C-c i List or menu item
C-c C-i * Italic
C-c C-k * Keyboard?
C-c l * Hyper Link
C-c C-l Listing Block
C-c m
C-c C-m * Sample block
C-c n Numbered list
C-c p End a paragraph
C-c C-p
Preformatted block
C-c r * Insert a reference
C-c s
C-c C-s */STRONG> Strong
C-c t # Places title at top
leaving cursor unmoved. Or replaces previous title block.
C-c C-v */VAR> Add variable
C-c x Add plaintext
C-c z Fork a mosaic process to preview the document.