Embers - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Embers?
A: Embers is a Live Action Role-Playing game (LARP for short) set in White Wolf's World of Darkness. The game is being written by a coordinated team of four storytellers (also referred to as GMs) and will have approximately 40 players portraying the various characters in the story. While Embers has some storylines pre-planned, much of the game is enacted in an impromptu fashion. LARPing is a form of Interactive Literature and has been compared to improvisational theatre, the commcercially available How to Host a Murder games, and various well-established role-playing games. Think of it as adult game of "Cowboys and Indians" with a more formalized set of rules to help players determine who gets scalped and who gets shot full of lead.
Q: "What's the game about?"
A: As much as we'd like to reveal our plots early, doing so would surely spoil the experience of playing it. The best we can do is direct you towards the Embers story. However, we can tell you that the writers see Embers as a chance to cast players in grand epic tales, playing the parts of heroes and villains.
Q: "How does it work?"
A: Registered players will receive a character packet from the GMs which will outline a player's character. This will include some of the character's history, current goals, props, costuming hints, and statistics. At each of the game sessions, players will collect at the game's venue at a predetermined game start time. During the course of the game, players are free to interact with other players at their discretion, using whatever means at their disposal to achieve set goals. Goals will vary from character to character and can be as simple as bargaining with another player for goods ro as complex as trying to get away with murder. The action is facilitated by the GM staff, helping the players to resolve combat (if it should occur) or narrating various aspects of the game that special effects cannot simulate (for instance, it is often more cost-effective for a GM to narrate to players the approach of a giant raptor than it is to build one).
By the end of the game session, the players are a bit further along their paths to fulfilling their goals and retire for the evening. In between game sessions, players are encouraged to communicate with one another to exchange information. This can be accomplished in an exchange of e-mail, a phone conversation, or even in person. In some cases, a players may wish to actually have their characters "do something" that needs GM assistance. For these situations, the GMs will be available, but on a somewhat more limited basis (compared to the immediacy of the gaming sessions).
In another month or so, it is time for another game session and the players will meet once again, catch up with each other regarding their exploits and continue to further their goals.
Q: "What if I need a GM in between games sessions? What do you mean 'on a limited basis'?"
A: In the time bewteen game sessions in the past, the GMs have been very accesible through e-mail. While this has allowed a certain kind of freedom in the process of plot progression, it can also become a real sink on the GMs' time. Thus, in Embers, the GMs intend to handle things in a slightly different manor than past players are accustomed to. The GMs will answer e-mail requests only as frequently as absolutely necessary, at the GMs discretion. This means that e-mail will not be a very time-effective method of getting in-game actions accomplished. It is a policy that can be interpreted as being a bit harsh, but experience has taught us that indulgences in this area only lead to infringements upon everyone's professional and personal time.
To balance the harshness of guideline outlined above, the game is being structured to make other types of interactions more effective. First, each player is going to be closely partnered with 4-8 other players. In between games, each pack will be afforded in-person attention from a GM in order to give multiple people simultaneous access. Since we feel that players will often wish to involve their packmates in their exploits, giving each their timeslice seems to be a reasonable plan.
Secondly, all game props and ability descriptions will when possible include appropriate systems for their use. This means that if a player has a do-hickey that can turn an opponent's hair shock-white, said prop will be accompanied by a card which describes what needs to be done in order to use it successfully. It will also be expected that all players will have a basic knowledge of the game's core systems. As such, players should not need, under most circumstances, to consult the GMs. In some cases, there will be abilities that in-game will not alert characters of their use. In such situations, the GMs will expect players to resolve the exchange out-of-game amongst themselves, relying upon the players' maturity.
Q:"This sounds quite involved...how much time will all this take?"
A: It's not an easy question to answer specfically. From experience, we believe that players who put more into the game will get more out of it. But at the very least, we expect players to attend 4 out of 5 game sessions. If a potential player knows in advance that he or she cannot attend more than 3 game sessions, we will revue situation. Things may be worked out, they may not. As you can understand, the game benefits from those willing to stick with the committment the game schedule, but we may be able be accomodating . Beyond that, there will likely be at least one in-between game in-person evening per pack of players. While these are optional, we think that these can be as much fun as the actual game sessions. But we don't want to make a player feel pressured to play more than their life can accomodate. That's why it is important to be honest on the registration form about how much in-between gaming you feel you can do.
Q: "Is the game running outside? Even during the winter?"
A: While there be elements of the game that will run at outside locations, there are certainly plenty of indoor facilities that we intend to have heated. We don't want anyone to get sick.
Q: "Sounds interesting...how do I sign up?"
A: Easy. Fill out our registration form and e-mail it back to us. If there is not already too many people signed up to play in the game, and there are no forseeable conflicts, then we'll write a character for you. If you have any questions, you should always feel free to contact us directly at embers@ayup.limey.net.
Q: Are the characters done yet? When are we going to get them?
A: Most likely they are not done and won't be fully so until we distribute them, which willl hopefully be 3 weeks or so before the 1st game session. That's the goal. We'll see where our aim hits reality.