In file code/C/operator.H:

class GOperator : public GObject

This class holds the operator information for a particular instruction in the program tree


public members:

GArray < GOperator > children
Array of child pointers
GOperator( oper_enum optype)
GOperator( GOperator &op)
GOperator &operator=( GOperator &op)
Assignment operator -- makes a copy of the operator and children
oper_enum GetOperatorType()
Returns operator enum type
int Valid()
Returns 0 if operator has invalid structure below the current operator
int GetLength()
Returns the number of nodes beneath this one
void Print(int level = 0)
Prints out the node and the calls the children to print

private members:

oper_enum type
The operator type

Inherited from GObject:

public members:

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, GObject &)


This class holds the operator information for a particular instruction in the program tree

this class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling