In file code/C/pipe.H:
class GPipe : public GObject
The encapsulation of a pipe between two network nodes
public members:
GPipe( GPipe &input)
- Copy constructorTakes the source, destination, and optionally the flow
and capacity as arguments
- Destructor, frees the message queues
GPipe & operator=( GPipe &input)
- Duplicates the pipe and its message queues
void Reset()
- Reset the flow information about a pipe (not capacity)
int ChangeFlow(int change)
- Modify the flow by the specified amount
int SetCapacity(int cap)
- Set the capacity to the specified value
int QueryFlow()
- Returns the current flow
int QueryCapacity()
- Returns the current capacity
int SendMessageOut(int msg_id, int msg)
- Sends msg out with id msg_id
int SendMessageIn(int msg_id, int msg)
- Sends msg in with id msg_id
int RecieveMessageOut(int msg_id, int &msg)
- Recieves message out
int RecieveMessageIn(int msg_id, int &msg)
- Recieves message in
void Print()
- Prints the status of the pipe
int GetSource()
- Returns the source of the pipe
int GetDest()
- Returns the destination of the pipe
private members:
GQueue < GMessage > out_queue[2]
- The message queue on the pipe to the destination node
GQueue < GMessage > in_queue[2]
- The message queue on the pipe to the source node
int flow
- The current flow on this pipe
int capacity
- The maximum flow on this pipe
int source
- The source node of the pipe
int dest
- The destination node of the pipe
public members:
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, GObject &)
The encapsulation of a pipe between two network nodes
this class has no child classes.
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling